NRA Statement: After Long Silence, News Conference Set for Tomorrow
The National Rifle Association released this statement regarding the Newtown, Connecticut, shootings on Tuesday:
Connecticut Mass Shooting List of Deceased, Sources FMI
Last week, a gunman shot and killed 20 children and six adults in Newtown, Connecticut. The Connecticut State Police have released the names and dates of birth for 26 people who died on Friday, Dec. 14, 2012, during and after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Please use the comment thread below to remember the deceased and to express support for their families. Following is a list of the deceased, including names and dates of birth, supplied by state police. If police update this information, those updates will be reflected here.
The Facts about Mass Shootings
Writing at National Review Online, John Fund says there are a few things you won’t hear about from the saturation coverage of the Newtown, Conn., school massacre:
Michigan State House passes bill allowing concealed weapons in schools, day care centers, stadiums,...
Changes to Michigan’s concealed weapons law passed the state House last week, allowing gun owners who take additional training classes and who shoot and pass additional qualifying courses to carry their weapons in places such as schools, day care centers, stadiums and churches.
GOA Hopes NDAA Anti-Gun Provision is DOA
The Gun Owners of America warns that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) could impact all Americans, including gun owners, by allowing them to be indefinitely detained without trial, based on simple membership in certain pro-gun groups or because of particular firearm-related activities.
A Christmas Tree at FOB Fenty, Jalalabad, Afghanistan
A Christmas Tree at FOB Fenty, Jalalabad, Afghanistan.
Novelist Gets the Gun Stuff” 100% Correct in The 14th Reinstated
Former Gun Tests and American Gunsmith contributor Bryce M. Towsley has written a new novel called The 14th Reinstated. The book lays out a frightening and dark scenario of how the world may look in a few years, and readers will pray it is not a prophecy of the future.
ARES Defense Releases Mission-Configurable Rifle
ARES Defense Systems is introducing the ARES-15 Mission Configurable Rifle (MCR), which offers dual-feed capabilities and quick-change barrel.
SAF Wins Huge Victory For Carry In Illinois
The Second Amendment Foundation has won a huge victory for the right to bear arms outside the home, with a ruling in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals that declares the right to self-defense is 'broader than the right to have a gun in one's home.'
Armageddon Arsenals Debuts on Discovery
‘Armageddon Arsenals’ debuted last night on Discovery’s Destination America network. The series explores the weapons and security aspects of the massive new prepping movement, focusing on individuals and families across the country who are preparing for a variety of worst case scenarios–many of them more plausible now than ever.
Manufacturing an In-Shop Shooting Drum
In the course of a typical day's gunsmithing, I test fire at least three weapons for such things as inconsistent primer ignition, failure to feed properly, and sear disengagement. With the cost of commercial bullet traps somewhere in the stratosphere, I had no choice but to make my own to keep costs down. My indoor trap, which I use for pistols and rimfire rifles, cost less than $25 to build. Even if you use brand new materials, it should cost less than $100.
Kimber SIS Custom RL 45 ACP
The SIS Custom RL came with night sights. The rear unit, windage adjustable via drift, was mounted in a dovetail aligning its rear face precisely with the back of the slide for maximum sight radius. Its forward edge presented a vertical surface reaching about 0.2 inches upwards from the top of the slide. This was to provide a catch point on one’s belt or other edge in case the slide needed to be racked without using two hands. Today’s pistols commonly feature a rear sight with a ramped profile front to back. The ramped profile is much less likely to snag clothing than a tall and sharp sight blade. But if the slide must be racked and the support hand is not available, the operator might wish for the sharp edge of the old-style rear sight. Kimber’s SIS-style rear sight meets this need without the worry of hanging up on the inside of a jacket or shirt.