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National Take Your DaughtersTo The Range Day Set for June 9

The first-ever Take Your Daughters To The Range event is scheduled for June 9, offering shooters and gun ranges throughout the nation a way to introduce young women to the shooting sports.

Eusebio Named Newest Memberof Team Glock

Three-time World Speed Shooting Champion and former United States Army Marksmanship Unit (USAMU) team member KC Eusebio will continue his quest for a fourth World Speed title as a member of Team GLOCK.

Replace Flat Sear Springs With Coils

With apologies to Chet Atkins, a guitar string makes a fine substitute when you need a replacement spring in a hurry.

In Florida, People Use Refunds to Buy Guns

At FOX 35 News in Orange County, Fla. comes this report: 'Forget about paying the bills with your tax refund, some are heading to the gun shop instead. Over at Shoot Straight employees say more people are taking a shot at a owning a gun, thanks to Uncle Sam.… As people debate the Stand Your Ground law, many worry about losing the right to own a gun, 'Any time people feel their second amendment right might be taken away or altered, they get concerned and buy the guns that they can buy now, while they can.'

NYT: Unexpected Praise for ‘Quietly Subversive’ Top Shot

New York Times writer Jeremy Egner delivers unexpected praise for History Channel's 'Top Shot' program recently:

The World is Upside Down

During a recent address by Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan at Marquette University, the jurist gave students some insight into how she and her colleagues decide what they will rule on a given case. Later in the address, Kagan also shared that she plans to go hunting with her colleague Justice Antonin Scalia, who has a large animal head in his chambers named Leroy.

Nugent Agrees to Plead Guilty in Illegal Kill

Outspoken gun activist and rock star Ted Nugent has agreed to plead guilty to transporting a black bear he illegally killed in southeast Alaska.

NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre @ NRAAM: We Are Less Free Today Than A Decade...

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre spoke at the NRA Annual Meetings April 14, 2012. If you weren’t able to attend, a link to a transcript of his comments appears below, courtesy of the NRA. Or click the player window to watch the speech. 'All over this nation, people feel it in their hearts — that something has gone terribly wrong in our country. In almost every way you look at it, almost every aspect of American freedom is in some state of decline.

NBC Shows Anti-Gun Bias . . . Again

Larry Keane, general counsel of the NSSF, weighed in recently on the biased reporting about Remington firearms by NBC’s Rock Center program.

F&F is Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal

Katie Pavlich, news editor at Townhall.com, has written a new book called Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up.

John Lott: Obamaused to treathim as ‘evil’

Economist John Lott, noted for his academic advocacy of gun rights, says that when Barack Obama was his colleague at the University of Chicago, the future president treated him as if he were “evil.”

Two Great NRA Ads

If you haven't seen these NRA Bill of Rights ads yet, then stop for a moment, download them, and take a close look. The deck reads, 'Before anyone edits the Bill of Rights, the authors would like a word with you.'

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...