Kopel: Anti-gun advocatesmislead on Trayvon caseto erode right to self-defense
In a Washington Times column on April 2, Second Amendment legal scholar David Kopel examined how anti-gun lobbies are purposely misstating how Florida’s “stand your ground” works.
Panther Nzinga Arrested for Possession of Firearm
A member of the New Black Panther Party -- a felon -- who went on national television to offer a reward for the capture of George Zimmerman was arrested in Gwinnett County, Georgia, and charged with possession of a firearm.
Study: Military VetsBecome “Less Agreeable”
“Be all you can be,” the Army tells potential recruits. The military promises personal reinvention. But does it deliver? A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that personality does change a little after military service – German conscripts come out of the military less agreeable than their peers who chose civilian service.
Michigan State takes top honors in NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championships
The Michigan State Spartans won both the individual and team championships in the 2012 NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championships, hosted by the United States Army Marksmanship Unit March 13-16 at Fort Benning, Georgia.
Rockcastle Shooting Centerhosts NRA Womens Outdoor Adventure
(GunReports.com) — The NRA has partnered with the Rockcastle Shooting Center at Park Mammoth Resort to host the inaugural Women’s Outdoor Adventure in Park City, Kentucky.
Holder on Video: Brainwash people to be anti-gun
A C-SPAN video from January 30, 1995, shows Eric Holder advocating that people should be 'brainwashed' into supporting gun control. Holder, now attorney general of the United States, is shown on the video supporting using Hollywood, the media and government officials to “really brainwash people” into opposing firearm ownership. Holder, who was then the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, was addressing the Women’s National Democratic Club on Jan. 30, 1995. In his speech, he held up anti-smoking campaigns as a model for an anti-gun campaign.
SAAMI Withdraws Its Name from Tainted U.N. Program
The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI), a registered United Nations non-governmental organization (NGO) with roster status, has taken the regrettable but necessary step of withdrawing any reference of SAAMI association from the U.N. agency project to create 'International Small Arms Control Standards (ISACS).'
Registration open for 2012NRA Junior Camps at Camp Perry
The NRA Training Department has opened registration for the 2012 NRA Junior Pistol and Smallbore Rifle Camps this July in Camp Perry, Ohio.
NSSF Indoor Range and RetailDevelopment Workshop June 18-21
Anyone who has ever thought of opening an indoor shooting range/retail business should take advantage of the Indoor Range and Retail Development Workshop being presented by the National Shooting Sports Foundation June 18-21 in St. Louis, Mo.
Freedom Group Announces New CEO
George Kollitides has been appointed acting chief executive officer and executive chairman of the board for Freedom Group, Inc. (FGI).
Building a Stock-Finishing Rotisserie
A shopping trip to the mall inspired this gunsmith to make a better finishing set up in his shop. Here’s how he did it.
Robert L. Nardelli Steps Downas CEO of Freedom Group, Inc.
Robert L. Nardelli and Freedom Group, Inc. ('FGI'), have announced that Nardelli has stepped down from his position as CEO of Freedom Group, effective immediately. George Kollitides, a member of FGI's Board of Directors has been named Chairman of the Board replacing current Chairman John Blystone, and will act as the interim CEO of FGI pending the completion of negotiations with a successor CEO expected to be named shortly.