SAF Wins Injunction V. Chicago Gun Range Ban
In a 3-0 ruling issued last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has reversed a lower court ruling and ordered that court to issue a preliminary injunction against the City of Chicago on behalf of the Second Amendment Foundation that prevents the city from banning gun ranges inside city limits. Video Brief: USA Shooting Team Explains International Skeet
Do you know the difference between a high-house and a low-house target? Learn more in this video about Men's and Women's Skeet. Video: Midway’s Basics of Revolver Operation
Watch as Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, demonstrates the basic safety and operational features of revolvers. Video: Smith & Wesson’s Starter Sport Rifle
Paul Pluff, director of marketing for Smith & Wesson, details the features of the entry-level M&P 15 Sport rifle, $709. “We took the standard M&P 15 style rifle and saved some money to get the price down,” he said. ““One of the ways we were able to cut costs,” Pluff said, “is that Smith & Wesson is now forging its own lower receivers. This gun still has a lot of features, including a Magpul Pmag, 6-position adjustable stock, adjustable sights, Picatinny rail, melonite-coated barrel, flash hider, and heat resistant front handguard.”He pointed out the Sport has an integral trigger guard, no dust cover, and no forward assist button, using instead a notch cut in the bolt to perform forward assist if needed.”
JPFO announces new executive director
( -- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) has named Tucson's Charles Heller, as its new executive director. Video: Shotgun Actions and Safety
( -- Watch as Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, demonstrates the basic safety and operational features of pump, semi-automatic and break-open shotguns.
Marlene Duncan Wins NRA 2011 Sybil Ludington Women’s Freedom Award
( -- The National Rifle Association has selected Marlene Duncan of Lake Havasu City, Arizona, to receive the 2011 Sybil Ludington Women's Freedom Award. This award recognizes exceptional accomplishments of modern heroines through their legislative activism as well as advocacy, volunteerism, and education of others to the goals of the Second Amendment and the NRA on a national level.
Glock Sponsors Calendar Contest
( -- Glock, Inc. is sponsoring a photo contest for Glock owners and other gun enthusiasts to display their passion for the firearms — with the winner receiving a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a photograph appear in the official Glock 2012 Calendar.
NRA Announces the 2011 National Championships at Camp Perry
( -- The 2011 National Rifle and Pistol Championships begin July 12 at Camp Perry in Port Clinton, Ohio. Conducted by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), with assistance from the Ohio National Guard, these matches have long been considered the 'World Series of the Shooting Sports.' The event is divided into five separate phases: Pistol, Smallbore 3-Position, Smallbore Prone, High Power, and Long Range.
Report Available: Four ATF Agents Working on Fast and Furious Tell their Story
( -– Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) today released a report, “The Department of Justice’s Operation Fast and Furious: Accounts of ATF Agents.” The report includes testimony from four Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) agents offering firsthand accounts about the controversial Operation Fast and Furious that allowed suspects to walk away with illegally purchased guns. Two of the approximately 2,000 guns that ATF let criminals walk away with were found at the murder scene of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010. Video Tech Tips: Smart Carbine Practice
( -- Dave Spaulding, winner of the 2010 Trainer of the Year award by Law Officer Magazine, has returned for a second series of self-defense tips for shooters. In Ruger Tactical Carbine Tips, Spaulding focuses on the popular AR-style carbine to explain a host of techniques and help prepare shooters for an array of combat situation.
GSSF’s First-Ever Ladies-Only Match Runs May 28-29
( -- The Glock Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) will hold the Palmetto Glock Girl Shootout, the first-ever ladies-only match May 28-29 at B.E.L.T. Training, in Reevesville, SC. GSSF is an organization of Glock, Inc. that stages indoor and outdoor competitions for Glock owners throughout the United States.