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GunReports.com Video: Front Sight Founder Warns Against Small-Caliber Handguns

Front Sight Firearms Training Institute's Dr. Ignatius Piazza takes on the issue of small-caliber handguns as suitable self-protection items. Here's what he said: 'I have a video for you this week that is the best example of the pros and cons of carrying a pocket pistol that I have ever seen.'

GunReports.com Video: Ruger’s Tactical Tips Part-7, Proper Training

This video series is a collection of self-defense tips with career law enforcement officer Dave Spaulding designed to help individuals learn proper skills and techniques to defend themselves. Once you've learned how to hold and reload your firearm, among other basic skills, properly continuing your training is critical to improved performance.In real life, you may not be keeping your gun in a holster on your hip, but rather in a pocket holster. It is extremely important to train with what you carry and to remain realistic in your practice. Proper training is essential for good gun technique.

GunReports.com Video: Patrick Flanigan’s New World Record

Winchester exhibition shooter Patrick Flanagan completes a World Record of shooting 7 handthrown clay targets in one toss, shot separately with ONE hand, from the hip.

Army pistol shooters win big at Nationals

(GunReports.com) - Soldiers with the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit swept the team awards and fared exceptionally well individually at the 2010 National Pistol Championships and Trophy Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio.

GunReports.com Video: Ruger Tactical Tips – 2, Handgun Fundamentals

On GunReports.com, this Ruger video covers the essentials. Learning grip and body position are crucial to controlling your firearm's recoil. Dave Spaulding puts special emphasis on trigger control for managing your gun, as well as other essentials like grip and body position.

Gun Tests 9mm Compact Pistol Showdown: Glock, Springfield, CZ, Ruger

(GunReports.com) -- Four similar and equally matched 9mm pistols turned in a tightly fought battle in the August 2010 issue of Gun Tests, says its editor, and the magazine’s test team had trouble picking a winner. Tested: Glock 19, Springfield Armory XDM 3.8, CZ USA 75D PCR Compact, and the new Ruger SR9C.

‘Sandlew3’ Shows Off Insight Technology M6X Laser/Illuminator

GunReports.com) -- Pensacola, Florida, shooter 'Sandlew3' won the April 2010 GunReports.com survey prize, an Insight Technology M6X Laser/Illuminator. Here he is with the prize, and his comments on how he'll use it. Be sure to register for GunReports.com's free weekly eReport to keep up with the latest gun news, reviews, and future surveys.

A Vote for Kagan Is a Vote to Take Away Your Guns

(GunReports.com) -- John Lott wrote on On Foxnews.com last week: 'As the number of President Obama's judicial appointments and nominations continues to grow, it appears pretty clear that he does not care about the individual's right to self-defense.

GunReports.com Video: Viking Tactics Triple Threat Rifle Drill

GunReports.com posts this Viking Tactics video on The Triple Threat drill, designed to really dial in on CQB-type shooting. It requires a great mix of both speed and accuracy. Start this one at about 5 yards. If you routinely make all of your shots on this one, it's time to speed up!

9mm Is Overwhelming ‘Yes’ Choice in GunReports Survey

(GunReports.com) -- A recent tabulation of 529 respondents to a GunReports.com survey question, “Is the 9mm suitable for self defense?” showed a strong preference for the round. However, almost all respondents added comments to qualify their 'yes' votes.

McDonald Supreme Court Ruling Strikes Down Chicago Gun Ban

(GunReports.com) -- In its second major ruling on gun rights in three years, the Supreme Court Monday extended the federally protected right to keep and bear arms to all 50 states. Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the five-justice majority, saying 'the right to keep and bear arms must be regarded as a substantive guarantee, not a prohibition that could be ignored so long as the States legislated in an evenhanded manner.'

Gun Rights Quartet Applauds Supreme Court Chicago Decision

(GunReports.com) -- Alan Gura, Otis McDonald, Alan Gottlieb and John Snyder applauded Monday's United States Supreme Court decision overturning Chicago's handgun ban in McDonald v. City of Chicago.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...