Statement of Illinois State Rifle Association: ‘Utter Delight’
( -- The following is a statement by Richard A. Pearson, Executive Director, Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA), regarding the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the McDonald v. Chicago case:
Fox Host O’Reilly Sticks Foot in Mouth About Mexican Guns
( -- On June 24 during his Fox News 'Factor' broadcast, host Bill O'Reilly claimed that guns made in America were responsible for violence in Mexico, a JFPO email alert said. Video: Accuracy On The Move with Todd Jarrett learns about Accuracy On The Move with Todd Jarrett. Todd demonstrates how shooting on the move using Crimson Trace laser sights helps accuracy.
July Gun Tests Issue: Three 7.62x39mm Rifles Reviewed
( -- The SKS Type 56 rifle proved to be fun, and Ruger’s KMini Thirty-P/20 was hard working and versatile. The DPMS Panther also adapts well to the 7.62X39mm round. Video: Crimson Trace’s The Art of Survival Laser Sight Training
Crimson Trace's The Art of Survival training video has Julie Goloski talking to two gun owners about laser sight training that works. Video: Ruger’s History of the Gun, the Hand Cannon
On, the 'History of the Gun' online video series produced by site sponsor Ruger looks at the progression of firearms technology. Part 1 examines the Hand Cannon.
Leupold, Bushnell Settle Lawsuits
( -- Leupold & Stevens, Inc. announced that it has reached an agreement that will settle its lawsuits with Bushnell Inc.
Double Disgrace: Helen Thomas is Winner Of 2010 Sarah Brady Visionary Award
( -- The NRA's Institute for Legislative Action reports this item you won't see on regular media: On May 18, the Brady Campaign held a big shindig in Washington, D.C., to give this year’s “Sarah Brady Visionary Award” to now-former Hearst News Service White House reporter Helen Thomas.
Harris Poll: Americans Should be Allowed to Have Guns, Say Large Majorities
( -- Large majorities of Americans feel that they should be allowed to have guns, a new Harris Poll shows, but ominously, pluralities of Americans favor stricter control of guns, particularly hand guns. Survey-Response Drawings OFFICIAL RULES conducts periodic surveys of topics of interest to firearms owners. As a thank-you for voting in the survey, enters voters into a free drawing for an AWESOME and usually high-cost firearms accessory. These rules specify the terms for the giveaway.
Target World Awarded NRAs 2009 Dealer Recruiter of the Year
( -– The National Rifle Association has announced Target World Inc. of Chalfont, Pennsylvania, the 2009 NRA Dealer Recruiter of the Year.
Special Offer for NRA Certified Instructors Available from Revision Eyewear
( -- The National Rifle Association's Training Department is pleased to announce a special offer from Revision Eyewear. Through this new offer, NRA Certified Instructors and Appointed Training Counselors will be able to purchase products from Revision Eyewear at a discount of 20%, with 10% of the net sales benefiting the NRA Firearms and Marksmanship Training Endowment.