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Please Vote For Concealed Carry At ProCon Website
A website purporting to explore the topic of concealed carry allows gunowners to register a ‘pro’ vote in favor of concealed carry.
Fort Hood Police Heroes Honored by Gun Saint Society
Fort Hood Texas police Sgts. Mark Todd and Kimberly Munley wore St. Gabriel Possenti Society ( honor medallions presented by Society Founder-Chairman John M. Snyder of Telum Associates at the American Police Hall of Fame in Titusville, Florida.
A JPFO Wish List for Palin’s NRA Address
( Zelman, founder and director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, sent Sarah Palin a wish list of topics he hopes she will cover in her speech to the NRA national convention on May 14.
Bloomberg to Obama: Get Going on Taking Guns Away
( Bloomberg urges President Obama to adopt dozens of gun registration and confiscation measures using executive power and bypassing Congress.
Are Gun Owners ‘Wingnuts’? New Book and Poll Say So
(—A new book, 'Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America,' is used as the springboard for a Harris poll to call gun owners and others who disagree with Obama 'Wingnuts.'
Slate: A Gun-Nut Win On Health Reform
( item posted by Timothy Noah gave backhanded props to the Gun Owners of America for protecting gun ownership in the healthcare bill.
New Int’l Group To Protect Civilian Arms Rights
( new and growing international organization aims to protect firearms rights for private citizens worldwide.
2010 NCAA Rifle Championships Carried Live
( — The air rifle portion of the 2010 NCAA Rifle Championships will be carried live on internet on Saturday, March 13.
Analysis: 2d Amendment Extension Likely
The Supreme Court on Tuesday seemed poised to require state and local governments to obey the Second Amendment guarantee of a personal right to a gun, but with perhaps considerable authority to regulate that right.
Sarah Sets Her Sights On Henry Rifle
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. ( -- The Republican Party of Arkansas presented keynote Speaker Sarah Palin with an engraved Henry Repeating Arms Big Boy 44 Magnum rifle at its fundraising event at the Verizon Arena in Little Rock.
Ruger 50th Year New Model Blackhawk Flat Top, $583
The all-steel Ruger flat top 50th Year Blackhawk had remarkably clean lines and comfortable Colt-size grips. The Micro sight didn't need to be touched. The Ruger laid 'em in there a touch better than two others, and looked great doing it. The front of the cylinder was beveled to ease holstering.