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California Man Open Carries, Gets Booted from Store

A man apparently inspired by Open Carry gun activists strolled into an East Palo Alto supermarket with a handgun on his hip Wednesday and began shopping for groceries.

The New Trend in Body Armor?

GunReports.com smiles when it finds the newest trend in body armor.

Gun Salesman of the Decade

GunReports.com reprints an essay by Tim Case, originally posted on LewRockwell.com (used with permission). Case details reasons behind ongoing high gun-buying numbers. 'To say that the current political atmosphere has nothing to do with firearms sales would be ludicrous, at best. There are, however, more to the statistics than first meets the eyes. On closer inspection the NICS data shows the rise of firearms sales beginning in September 2005 and really taking hold in December of the same year. What accounts for this sudden rise in firearm interest can only be attributed to the events following the destruction of New Orleans and the surrounding areas in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in late August 2005.'

Gun Owners, Filtered: ‘New American’ Editorial on Mayors Banning Guns Group

In Monday’s editorial, the New York Times reported the results of a Frank Luntz poll indicating that NRA members are much softer on key issues than the National Rifle Association itself. Unfortunately, the editorial was rife with filters in the form of hot labels and emotionally-laden words and phrases that immediately impugned the validity of the results of the study.

Bret Erickson Named New National Shotgun Coach

Four-time Olympian Bret Erickson (Muenster, Texas) has been named USA Shooting's new National Shotgun Coach.

Good News for Gun Owners: ABC News Anchor Charles Gibson to Retire Dec. 18

NEW YORK — ABC says Charles Gibson will sign off from the 'World News' anchor desk on Dec. 18.

Santa and His B&C Sleigh

Now this is funny. Santa and his Texas whitetail sleigh.

James Debney Named President of S&W Firearms Business Unit

Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation announced that James Debney has been named as president of S&W’s Firearms Business unit, reporting to Michael Golden, president and CEO of Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation.

GunPal Ramps Up as Replacement for PayPal on Firearms Transactions

PayPal's 'Acceptable Use Policy' prevents electronic transaction of firearms and many firearms accessories, but the GunPal money-transfer service is expanding its services to solve that problem.

GunBroker.com Hosting Charity Auction of Pink Rifle to Fight Breast Cancer

In support of the fight against breast cancer, GunBroker.com is hosting a charity auction of an unusual pink rifle. The auction ends October 25.

It’s 2 More National Titles for Glock’s Jessie Abbate

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — For the second year in a row Jessie Abbate has won back-to-back national titles at the Smith & Wesson 2009 U.S. Practical Shooting Association’s (USPSA) National Handgun Championships.

Hunting and Gun Rights Opponent Formally Confirmed

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The sportsmen’s community came within five votes of stopping the nomination of Cass Sunstein to serve as the head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), otherwise known as the “Regulatory Czar, ” according to the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...