Stephen Halbrook Testifies Against Confirmation of Eric Holder for Attorney General at Senate Judiciary...
OAKLAND, Calif. -- The Senate Judiciary Committee began hearings January 15 for the controversial nomination of Eric Holder to the position of Attorney General of the United States. Independent Institute Research Fellow and attorney Stephen Halbrook is among the witnesses testifying, arguing that Holder's reputation as a steadfast opponent of Second Amendment rights makes him an unfit candidate for the job.
N.J. Seeks to Limit Handgun Purchases to One a Month
New Jersey could soon become the fourth state to limit handgun purchases to one a month.
National Rifle Association Expected To Settle Lawsuit On Housing Authority Gun Ban
The NRA is expected to drop the City and County of San Francisco as a named party in the lawsuit, and there are reports of a settlement with the Housing Authority itself that may moot out the suit.
Federal Appeals Court Panel Rules That Gunshops Defamation Case Belongs in State Court
A federal appeals court panel has ruled that a defamation case brought by gun store owners against New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg should proceed in Georgia's Cobb County Superior Court, not federal court.
SHOT Show Auctions Highlight Bianchi, Colt, Marlin Specialty Guns
Besides the deluge of new product announcements coming out this week, there’s other happenings slated for the show.Of most interest to gun owners, two auctions will honor America's firearms traditions.The 2009 package features one-of-a-kind offerings from Bianchi, Colt Manufacturing Co., Marlin Firearms, Hornady and Remington Arms.
Number of Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the United States Falls Sharply in 2008
WASHINGTON -- 2008 is ending as one of the safest years for U.S. law enforcement in decades. The number of officers killed in the line of duty fell sharply this year when compared with 2007, and officers killed by gunfire reached a 50-year low.
Beware The Rahm
After pledging his support for the Second Amendment during the campaign, President-elect Barack Obama appoints devout gun-ban supporter Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff.
California’s Bad Santa Exposes Failure Of Gun Control Laws
News of a man dressing up in a Santa suit and murdering nine people in Los Angeles on Christmas Eve dominated cable news headlines for days after the event. News reports suggest Bruce Pardo took as many as four handguns and a homemade flame-thrower to the home of his ex-wife's parents, where at least 25 people were enjoying a Christmas Eve party. Pardo shot at partygoers and burned down the house, murdering at least nine people before committing suicide hours later.
EOTACs New Operator Grade Field Jacket
EOTAC’s new Operator Grade Field Jacket is a retro look based on a fifties era European military issue jacket updated with contemporary materials and features.
What Gun Owners Really Want to Hear From Mr. Obama
CHICAGO -- The following is the text of a statement released by Illinois State Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund (ISRA-PVF) Interim Chairman, Richard Pearson:During a weekend press conference, President-Elect Barack Obama responded to reports of a large, nation-wide run-up in gun sales by reiterating his well-traveled campaign rhetoric about how he supports the Second Amendment and how lawful firearm owners have nothing to fear from him.
USAMU hosts retirement dinner for longtime coach
FORT BENNING, Ga. -- Frank Briggs, International Rifle Team coachand former head coach of the International Pistol and Service Rifleteams, will retire this month from the federal government. Briggs is one of only 19 International Shooting Sport Federation Class A coaches in the world.
2008 3 X Air Match Comes to a Close
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – The 2008 USA Shooting 3 X Air Match concluded with Tom Csenge, Brian Beaman, Sarah Scherer and Brenda Shinn claiming titles on the final day of competition.