
GunsAmerica Is AuctioningSisk Rifle for Charity

You have a chance to own one of the most accurate rifles on the planet while supporting the men and women who have gone in harm's way to protect your freedom.

From GOA: Your activism is making a huge difference!

According to a recent letter from Gun Owners of America's Larry Pratt, the Left is not happy at all with Gun Owners of America.

Mossberg Donates 42 Shotguns to Help Fund YSSA

The Youth Shooting Sports Alliance (YSSA) recently announced that O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. has continued its support of the YSSA with a donation of 42 new Mossberg shotguns.

NSSF Providing Free Firearm Safety Materials to Returning Servicemen and Women

Once President Obama announced the return of 34,000 servicemen and women from Afghanistan within a year, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) said that it will continue providing free firearm safety materials, including gun locking devices, to America's returning armed services members. NSSF is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry.

At Savage, Out with the Ron,in with the Ron

Ron Coburn's recent retirement after 25 years as chairman and CEO of Savage Sports Corporation has led to the appointment of another Ron to succeed him. On Feb. 6, Savage Sports Corporation named Ron Johnson as its new CEO.

California Guardsman claims top honorsat Small Arms Championship

A California National Guardsman needed an extra suitcase to haul away the hardware he collected at this year's U.S. Army Small Arms Championship held at Fort Benning, Ga., Feb. 9-10.

Glenn Beck Raising Money for American Sniper’s Family

Mercury One, Glenn Beck's production company, is raising money to honor Chris Kyle, author of American Sniper and the country's deadliest sniper. One hundred percent of the funds raised will go to The Chris Kyle Memorial and The FITCO Fund, a non-profit started by Chris Kyle to help veterans overcome PTSD.

Obama: Shooting All the Time

The White House released a photograph that they claim depicts President Obama skeet shooting at Camp David. They warned the internet not to alter it, which is basically like demanding that an alcoholic ignore a free bar. Here are few modifications the staff at the The Patriot Post came up with. Feel free to add more in the comments below.

Gun Polishing Tools

A good polishing job can save a gun from the junk heap, but a bad job can send it there. Here's how the professional does it.

Why So Few Reports of Legitimate Self-Defense, CCRKBA Asks

Anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was 'half-right' when he told NBC's Jimmy Fallon that there is 'scant coverage' of other firearms news, because there is virtually no coverage of self-defense uses every day, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says.

The Dirty Dozen: Wildlife Groups that Want to End Hunting

There are groups that undermine and manipulate systems across America to end hunting, trapping and fishing. These same “less-than-honest” groups also often then exploit wildlife and conservation issues in the name of raising dollars for their devious causes. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance has identified a dozen organizations that have taken efforts in the past year to prevent you from hunting or trapping:

Illinois Gun and Magazine Ban Measures Move Out of Committee

On Wednesday, Illinois Senate Democrats advanced bans on semiautomatic rifles and pistols and some magazines.

Weirdness in the Ammo Market

As the holidays arrive and we all think about buying presents for our loved ones, I wonder if we’ll have any money left over...
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