
Shooters’ Paradise: SHOT Show Media Day 2008 Quick Report

Most serious shooters know that the Shooting and Outdoor Sports Trade Show, SHOT by any other name, is the annual showcase for new guns, ammunition, accessories and more. But for a select few gun writers, editors, TV producers and hosts, the day before the SHOT Show is a chance to shoot the latest and greatest from gun makers from around the world. In fact, a typical media event offers an opportunity to shoot up to 50 different firearms, although a typical participant can’t tally more than a couple dozen. The key is the variety of firearms that manufacturers have on parade—everything from sweet-shooting 20-gauge O/Us, to belt-fed .50 caliber machine guns that reverberate throughout the stark but beautiful Nevada hills that ring Las Vegas.

NRA and Springfield Armory Launch New M1A Competition

The NRA/Springfield Armory M1A Match will make its debut August 5 at the NRA National Rifle and Pistol Matches held at Camp Perry, Ohio. Springfield Armory has put up a total of $25,000 in cash and merchandise awards for the match. Said Mike Krei, director of NRAs Competitive shooting Division, "Springfield wanted to encourage more use of the M1A, and they were willing to sponsor all of the needed cash and product awards to make it happen at Camp Perry."

S&W Academy Offers Military & Police Pistol and Rifle Training

The Smith & Wesson Academy will introduce Military & Police (M&P) Pistol and Rifle Series training courses to be held at the Academy in Springfield, Massachusetts, and at local police departments and regional law enforcement training centers across the country.

Thompson/Center Arms Icon Is T/Cs First Bolt-Action Rifle

Thompson/Center Arms, a Smith & Wesson company, has introduced the Icon, its first bolt-action centerfire rifle."While developing the Icon, our engineers and designers worked with numerous master gunsmiths, tactical shooters and hunters to better understand what features they desired in a premium bolt-action rifle," said Gregg Ritz, President of Smith & Wesson Hunting.

Thompson/Center Arms Icon Is T/Cs First Bolt-Action Rifle

Thompson/Center Arms, a Smith & Wesson company, has introduced the Icon, its first bolt-action centerfire rifle."While developing the Icon, our engineers and designers worked with numerous master gunsmiths, tactical shooters and hunters to better understand what features they desired in a premium bolt-action rifle," said Gregg Ritz, President of Smith & Wesson Hunting.

The Duke is Honored with Line of Collector Cowboy Cartridges

John Wayne Enterprises and Winchester Ammunition are offering a limited-edition collectors set of ammunition offered in three .44-40 Winchester, .45 Colt, and .30-30 Winchester to commemorate 100 years of "The Duke." John Wayne would have celebrated his 100th birthday in 2007.

Short Shots: 09/06

Beretta Introduces 90-TWO Pistol[IMGCAP(1)]The Beretta 90-TWO semiautomatic pistol, the latest in Berettas 92/96 Series, should already be available to consumers. This is the 92 Series first complete redesign since it was introduced to the law enforcement and military community more than 20 years ago.Featuring new magazines with higher capacity in 9mm and .40 S&W calibers and an internal buffer to reduce recoil, the 90-TWO includes rounded contours that speed extraction from the holster. Also, the…

Short Shots: 05/06

More New Products for 2006

Short Shots: 04/06

Here are some items that caught our attention at the 2006 SHOT Show in Las Vegas.

New calibers added to A-Bolt Mountain TI. Brownings titanium version of the popular A-Bolt gets four new calibers for 2006: .243 Win., .308 Win., ,7mm-08, and the new 325 WSM. The guns themselves include a titanium receiver, glass-bedded action, free-floated stainless barrel, Bell and Carlson graphite stock with Mossy Oak camo, an adjustable trigger, and Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad. Average Weight: 5.5 pounds. MSRP: $1640.

[IMGCAP(1)]Browning reintroduces The T-Bolt. The original Browning T-Bolt was an accurate and easy-to-shoot rimfire. But the new Browning T-Bolt uses the same...

Short Shots: 03/06

[IMGCAP(1)]S&Ws Law-Enforcement Pistol Bonanza
Smith & Wesson has recently filled two big LE orders, one for the companys new Military & Police (M&P) series of advanced-design polymer pistols and the other for its SW1911 pistols with tactical rails.

The Patrick County, Virginia, Sheriffs Department ordered the M&P guns. Members of the Special Enforcement Bureau (SWAT Team) of the Riverside County, California Sheriffs Department will get the SW1911s.

Smith & Wesson began shipments of the M&P 40, the first pistol in the series, in December 2005. David Hubbard, sheriff of Patrick County, Virginia, said, We tested numerous products, and my professional opinion is that the...

Short Shots: 02/06

New Wisconsin Bill Might Override Governors Vote

Republican leaders in the Wisconsin state assembly may have fashioned a carry-concealed weapons measure strong enough to override of the expected veto from Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle. The bill, SB 403, passed on a 64 to 32 vote. The amendment to the concealed weapons bill included provisions that would:

• Lower the allowable blood-alcohol concentration for those carrying a concealed weapon to 0.02, from 0.08.

• Create a 100-foot safety zone around school property into which guns couldnt be carried.

• Require a refresher training course for permit holders every five years.

• Make the filing of a fa...

Short Shots: 01/06

Brazil Rejects Countrywide Gun Ban by Two-to-One Margin

A previous Short Shots prediction that Brazil would vote away its citizens gun rights was proven wrong as the country resoundingly chose to keep gun ownership rights alive.

Despite massive publicity by anti-gun groups prior to Brazils nationwide vote in late October, voters refused to strip law-abiding citizens of the ability to defend themselves. Anti-firearms groups from Europe and elsewhere had pushed hard to pass the measure.

Taurus International President Bob Morrison called to set the record straight about the vote: This was a massive defeat for anti-gun groups. They were sure they had this won.

But M...

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...