Special Purpose

The Original Winchester Name is Back

The Morgan, Utah based makers of Winchester rifles and shotguns have announced the historic return to the original name given the brand nearly 150 years ago.

Castle doctrine puts power in victims’ hands

Kathy Adkins moved from target to target, using a .38 revolver and a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol with deadly efficiency, putting holes in the dead center of paper targets meant to look like people. Adkins, 48, owns a real estate firm in Jackson and has been taking firearms training since March. Instructor Cliff Cargill said he has had many new students since the Legislature passed a bill last year giving residents expanded legal rights to protect…

Bad Brief: The Bush DOJ shoots at the Second Amendment

A lot of Americans who believe in the right to own guns were very disappointed this weekend. On Friday, the Bush administration's Justice Department entered into the fray over the District of Columbia's 1976 handgun ban by filing a brief to the Supreme Court that effectively supports the ban. The administration pays lip service to the notion that the Second Amendment protects gun ownership as an individual right, but their brief leaves the term essentially meaningless.

NAA Black Widow .22 Mag/.22 LR

We found the NAA guns to be quite well made, though we experienced significant gas escape with both cylinders in both guns.

How will the upcoming elections affect gun rights? From National Review Online

Things look a lot better for the Second Amendment than they do for the Republican party. A race-by-race analysis of the Senate suggests that, while party control of the Senate could change, the Senate is very likely to retain a pro-gun working majority.

Pink Personal Protection Power

Charter Arms has introduced its new 'The Pink Lady' revolver in .38 Special +P caliber.Evolved from Charter Arms' popular compact Undercover Series, The Pink Lady weighs 12 ounces thanks to an 7075 aircraft aluminum frame, and it's anodized bight pink.

Browning Cynergy Classic 20 Gauge

This gun has it all—porting, extended choke tubes, fiber-optic sights, the proper balance for sporting clays, and a main-event 12-gauge feel in a 20-gauge package. This fell short of an A rank because it came with three choke tubes and no hard case.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...