Smith & Wesson Model 4013 Tops in Compact 40 S&Ws
In the January 1996 issue, we tested a quartet of 40-caliber semi-autos, three of which had significant drawbacks, our shooters said. In this installment of Gun Tests Classics, we revisit the winner of that test, a Smith & Wesson Model 4013, and see if its current used pricing makes it a still-valid recommendation for today’s […]
Ruger American Rimfire Talo Exclusive 8359 22 LR
For the rifleman, there is nothing that soothes the soul and brightens the day like a good-quality 22 bolt-action rifle. For the serious rifleman who hunts with a centerfire rifle, the 22 offers alternative training options and makes for a fine small-game rifle. Some shooters realize a more expensive rifle may be needed for precision […]
Springfield Armory Model 2020 Rimfire Classic Rifle BARC92022GAA 22 LR
For the rifleman, there is nothing that soothes the soul and brightens the day like a good-quality 22 bolt-action rifle. For the serious rifleman who hunts with a centerfire rifle, the 22 offers alternative training options and makes for a fine small-game rifle. Some shooters realize a more expensive rifle may be needed for precision […]
Tripods: We Test Boghunt, Two Vets, Leofoto, and Vortex Units
It is an accepted fact that the rifle shooter will be able to place his hits more accurately when using some type of supported position. That is, shooting off a bipod from a prone position is going to be infinitely better than standing offhand. As a result, we’ve learned to use bipods, bags, backpacks, shooting […]
Download Full January 2025 Issue PDF
- Unusual Bolt Actions
- 9MM Luger Pistols
- Shooting and Tactical Gloves
Smith Revolver Ounces too Heavy
Re “Snubbies from Smith & Wesson and Colt’s Compete at the Range,” November 2024 I read the article and agree with your assessment of the S&W 442 UC Lipsey’s Special. Last month, I received the six-shot 32 H&R Magnum version of the same gun from Lipsey’s (S&W 432) and was unimpressed with the trigger pull. […]
Taurus Expedition 3-EXP308181 308 Winchester
Several major manufacturers are producing new firearms totally outside their normal niches, examples of which include the new Expedition rifle from Taurus and the new CBX Tac Hunter, a bolt gun from Colt. That’s right, a rifle from Taurus, the handgun specialist. Their new bolt gun is one of the newest examples of lightweight, short-barreled […]
Colt CBX TAC Hunter CBX-SP20PGA-308 308 Winchester
Several major manufacturers are producing new firearms totally outside their normal niches, examples of which include the new Expedition rifle from Taurus and the new CBX Tac Hunter, a bolt gun from Colt. That’s right, a rifle from Taurus, the handgun specialist. Their new bolt gun is one of the newest examples of lightweight, short-barreled […]
Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0 Compact Carry Comp 13989 9MM Luger
The compensated 9mm seems more popular than ever, with Smith & Wesson, Springfield, and SIG offering pistols with compensators on the end of the barrel, mounted integrally in the slide, or as a simple cut out in the barrel. Most of us don’t consider the 9mm to be a hard kicker. Just the same, the […]
Live Free Armory AMP Compact LFA-LFAMP19C084002 9MM Luger
The compensated 9mm seems more popular than ever, with Smith & Wesson, Springfield, and SIG offering pistols with compensators on the end of the barrel, mounted integrally in the slide, or as a simple cut out in the barrel. Most of us don’t consider the 9mm to be a hard kicker. Just the same, the […]
Shooting and Tactical Gloves: We Test Seven Sets Hand to Hand
An email from a subscriber suggested we take a look at shooting gloves, particularly gloves that protect your hands from harsh recoil. Shooting gloves offer protection from heat and cold as well as abrasions, and they can take the sting out of recoil. The question is, how much protection do you need? Shooting gloves typically […]
Welcome Back, President Trump
Okay, November 5, 2024, was a great day for gunowners, who can now hope to be ignored for four years by the incoming Trump Administration, which is set to be sworn in on January 20, 2025. What, you ask, is so great about being ignored? Well, like when Donald J. Trump vanquished the absurdly anti-gun […]