
All-Purpose 357 Mag Stainless Revolvers: Taurus Versus Ruger

We wanted to take a look at 357 Magnum double-action revolvers with 4-inch barrels and adjustable sights because these handguns are so versatile. They can be juiced up with hot 357 Magnum ammo to hunt black bear from a tree stand or kept in the night stand drawer for home defense. They also allow for plenty of training with less powerful 38 Special ammunition, or they can be used competitively in an IDPA match.

Black 308 Semi-Auto Face Off: Rock River Arms Vs. Sig Sauer

Our Idaho test team is not that fond of the AR-15 rifle and its tiny cartridge, but our shooters really do like the 308 Win. versions of the "black rifle." Thus it was with joy that we unpacked four rifles in that caliber and selected two for this head-to-head test, the Rock River Arms LAR-8 Mid-Length A4 with accessories, which brought its price to about $1335 without sights, and a Sig Sauer Model 716 Patrol ODG, (the latter three letters indicating olive-drab telescoping butt, pistol grip and rail covers), list price of $2186. Here's what we found.

Pistol-Caliber Carbines: PX4 Storm Versus Kel-Tec Sub-2000

Two popular handy rifles shoot it out for a place in the home or the truck — the Kel-Tec is neat and compact, but the Beretta wins out on superior features and better accuracy.

More Dangerous-Animal Ammo: 45 Colt and 45 ACP Loadings

Grizzly Bear Shot and Killed By Hikers In Denali National Park and Preserve(May 31, 2010) — A grizzly bear that emerged from a thicket and charged two backpackers in the backcountry of Denali National Park and Preserve was shot and killed by one of the two who was carrying a .45-caliber semi-automatic pistol, according to park officials. [IMGCAP(1)] …

Pistol Lasers: Guide-Rod, Rail Models Tested Head to Head

Stance, grip, trigger control, and sight alignment are widely recognized as fundamentals necessary for accurate shooting. But what about when firing from a cramped position, where the shooter is not able to extend his arms and put the sights between the shooter’s eye and the target? One answer is to rely on a laser unit to project the desired point of impact. Other advantages to laser aiming would be maintaining full vision of the field of threat and not having to rely on one’s near vision to define an adequate sight picture.

Stevens Model 320 Home Defense No. 19495 Pump-Action 12 Gauge, $270

In the October 2013 issue, Gun Tests magazine tested three new models of self-defense shotguns that carry low to moderate price tags against one of the popular veteran self-defense shotguns, the Benelli Super Nova Tactical No. 29155 pump-action 12 Gauge, $559. The less expensive shotguns were the recently introduced Stevens Model 320 Home Defense No. 19495, $270; the CZ Model 612 Home Defense No. 06520, $290; and the CZ Model 612 HC-P No. 06510, $349.

Bushmaster Cleaning System

he makers of Gunk and Liquid Wrench have taken to repackaging what proved to be one of the finest metal preservatives weve tested here in Idaho. Our tests (September 2012) on a bar of bare steel exposed to salt and rain for weeks showed the product, originally called Smith & Wesson Lubricant and Protectant, to be among the very finest at keeping rust off that steel bar. We had first tested that oil in July 2010, and it had been one of the best two preservatives wed tried, the other being Boeshield. Our steel test bar now has sat outdoors all last fall and winter, and it has yet to show any rust in that spot, though the rest of the bar has rusted badly. The accompanying photo of pistol and bar at right shows it as it is today, the oil having never been reapplied.That preservative oil was at first hard to find, and then became impossible to find. Along the way we published a few sources, but they dried up. Imagine our joy to learn that the oil is now being repackaged as a liquid, not in a spray can, and its readily available. Its called Bushmaster Firearms Master Lubricant & Protectant. The sample we got was actually part of a cleaning process that involves three fluids, called #1 Master Bore Cleaner & Polish, #2 Master Bore Rinse, and #3 Master Lubricant & Protectant oil.

Inexpensive Add-On for AR-15

We recently bought an inexpensive item for an AR that has delivered a lot of bang for the buck: the GG&G 45-Degree Offset Accessory Rail (CTD #2-GGG1526, $30.99)

Commanders vs. a Commodore: Who Outranks Whom in 45 ACP?

There are those who feel that the 1911 handgun is the finest defense pistol available. But this isnt the only reason for the 1911s popularity. The 1911 also caters to those with a sense of history and emotional attachment. This is why the World War I and World War II reproductions and GI guns are so popular. But when it comes to a deadly serious defense gun, only the facts and performance matter. The Commander-size pistol is wisely shorter and lighter than the long and heavy Government Model.The Commander is defined by a 4.25-inch barrel and a barrel bushing that is shorter than the Government Model. The pistol may be steel frame or aluminum frame. The Commander is easier to carry and faster from leather. By the same token, the Commander is easier to shoot well than the 3- or 3.5-inch-barrel 1911 handguns. The Commander features the full-length grip frame rather than the shortened Officers Model grip frame. All told, the Commander gives up little to the Government Model in terms of practical performance. All Commanders are not created equal, however.We realized some months ago that we needed to take a closer look at this 45 ACP pistol category because of the Commanders unique features. We had tested only a few of this type, by name: the Michiguns 45 Commander Custom (May 2009), Colt Lightweight Commander 04860 XSE 45 ACP (October 2003, January 2002), and the Colt M1991A1 Commander (October 1993). So in the November issue, we tested three Commander-size 45s: a Ruger SR1911CMD No. 6702, $829 (Grade B); a SIG Carry Stainless 1911CA-45-SSS, $1142 (Grade A- and a Best Buy); and a Kimber Pro Custom Defense Package (CDP) II, $1331 (Grade A), the only aluminum-frame pistol in that match up. Also, the CDP II had a 4-inch barrel that didnt give up much in velocity and was actually the most accurate pistol tested in November. We also liked the Kimbers ambidextrous safety.This time around, we were looking for a reliable personal defense Commander for less than the Rugers price. The first of our test handguns was a used Colt Commander Series 80 No. 04091U 45 ACP, $974 NIB, and $800 as tested. Gun Tests had not evaluated a stainless-steel-frame Colt Commander prior to this. We also chose a Para USA Expert Commander No. 96748 45 ACP, $799, and a new Shooters Arms Manufacturing (S.A.M.) Commodore 45 ACP, available from Century International Arms as No. HG1009-N. Our S.A.M. cost $429.We tested with three different cartridge brands, two of which had self-defense-style hollowpoints. The first was Speers 230-grain Gold Dot Short Barrel load, which developed 334 foot-pounds, 345 foot-pounds, and 339 foot-pounds of muzzle energy out of the Colt, S.A.M. Commodore, and Expert respectively. Thats slightly better overall than a 230-grain Fiocchi load shot out of 5-inch 1911s in the October 2012 issue, which averaged 828 foot-pounds of muzzle energy. Average group sizes were on par with the full-size 1911s in October 2012 as well, coming in at 2.5, 3.3, and 2.25 inches for the Colt, Commodore, and Expert respectively.With Barnes 185-grain TAC +Ps, the Para Expert created the most energy (339 foot-pounds) and the best accuracy (2.3-inch average groups at 25 yards), bettering the Colt (331 foot-pounds, 2.5-inch average groups), and the Commodore (323 foot-pounds, 3.1-inch average groups). The order of results was a little different for the Fiocchi 230-grain FMJs, with the S.A.M. delivering the best energy numbers but the worst accuracy (329 foot-pounds, 3.2-inch average groups), followed by the Para pistol (321 foot-pounds, 2.6-inch average groups) and the Colt (310 foot-pounds, 2.7-inch average groups).Also, our shooters drew all three pistols for a dozen repetitions to check for sharp edges and snags. We used a Jeremiah IWB holster (JeremiahHolsters.com) with alligator trim, a tension screw, and dual belt loops. It proved well made and efficient.Shorter than the Government Model and fast into action, the Commander carries light on the hip but speaks with real authority. Heres what we heard from these Commanders at the range:

2013 Guns & Gear A List

Toward the end of each year, I survey the work R.K. Campbell, Roger Eckstine, Austin Miller, Ray Ordorica, Robert Sadowski, John Taylor, Tracey Taylor, Ralph Winingham, and Kevin Winkle have done in Gun Tests, with an eye toward selecting guns, accessories, and ammunition the magazine's testers have endorsed. From these evaluations I pick the best from a full year's worth of tests and distill recommendations for readers, who often use them as shopping guides. These choices are a mixture of our original tests and other information I've compiled during the year. After we roll high-rated test products into long-term testing, I keep tabs on how those guns do, and if the firearms and accessories continue performing well, then I have confidence including them in this wrap-up.

Two Big 45 ACP Pistols: Glock 21 Versus Rugers SR45

On our plate this month are two fairly big pistols. They are an old standby, the Glock 21 (about $600), and a newer Ruger SR45 with an MSRP of $529. Both were big, hand-filling handguns, capable of packing a devastating punch with anything from classic 230-grain hardball to the lightest-weight, super-expanding bullets. The Glock magazine held 13 rounds and the Ruger held 10. These larger-than-normal capacities gave the guns sizeable grips. The Glock offered the shooter a caved-in back strap to help get your hand around it, and the Ruger resorted to thin side panels. Both guns had polymer frames and steel slides. It looked to us like Ruger copied the Glocks trigger, but added an ambidextrous safety. The Glock 21 had only its trigger safety, which has proven effective for a long time now. We tested the two guns with Winchester 185-grain BEB, Lawman 230-grain hardball, and with Cor-Bon 185-grain jacketed hollowpoints.Both guns came with loading-assist devices that slip over the magazines. We didnt find them necessary with the normal magazines for either gun, but on the 26-round extended magazine that came with the Glock, wed have used it if we wanted to fully fill that long thing. Here is what we found.

308 Win. Bolt-Action Rifles: Should You Buy New or Used?

The quest for value is never ending in the hunting rifle market. Hunters traverse fields and mountains in search of deer, elk, moose, and other game, and they likewise amble through aisles of gun stores searching for the best game-getter for the lowest dollar possible. However, they may be overlooking the best deals by not considering used firearms available at gun shows, in online auctions, at pawn shops, and, yes, at those selfsame gun stores. But what is a good deal? Definitions vary. But most of us would agree that finding a secondhand, good-shooting gun for a couple of hundred dollars is a treat, so knowing what to look for is important.We recently stumbled across a Weatherby Vanguard Series 1 308 Winchester for only $300, and online searches showed many more of this older model are available for that plus another $50 to $75. At the same time, we also came into possession of a Ruger American Rifle No. 6903, also in 308, which has an MSRP of $449 but can sell at $50 to $75 off that, making the pricing of an individual gun pretty close between the two. Both rifles are hunting models fitted with synthetic stocks, blued barrels, sling studs front and rear, and rubber buttpads. We wanted to know which is the better buy - a used gun thats basically selling half-off its original price, or a brand-new gun that comes with the confidence that only the buyer has shot it? We endeavored to find out in a head-to-head match-up.We tested an American chambered in 243 Winchester in the February 2013 issue, and we said then that the pricing might make it a popular choice for deer stands. Also, it had a well-made stock with integral bedding blocks, a precise single-stage trigger, and was a generally well-thought-out, smoothly assembled rifle. Five years ago we tested a then-new Weatherby Vanguard Series 1 Stainless in 270 Winchester and found that gun lived up to its guarantee of three-shot groups of 1.5 inches or better fired from a cold barrel with premium ammunition.To get things going this time, we mounted a 30mm Leupold VX-R 3-9x40mm Matte FireDot Duplex scope (Leupold #110686, $456.24) on the Weatherby using Leupold 30mm medium-height rings (Leupold #49957, $35.30) and Leupold Dual Dovetail Weatherby Mark V 2-piece bases (Leupold #51706, $17.78.) The FireDot scope has an illuminated dot right in the center of the duplex reticle. Its intensity can be stepped down by a switch on the left side of the scope - a useful setup for low-light conditions. For the Rugers optic, we selected a Sightmark 3-9x42 Triple Duty Riflescope SM13016. Made in China, the Triple Duty is equipped with an illuminated red/green Mil-Dot reticle, which aids in range estimation and shooting in low light conditions. We liked the bright and crisp picture the fully multi-coated optics transmitted. The 3-9x42 features a one-piece 30mm tube that is O-ring sealed and nitrogen purged, making it fog proof and water resistant. This scope features oversized, locking windage and elevation turrets with -inch-MOA clicks. It came with a set of 30mm rings, but we used some Weaver Tactical Rings (No. 48351) mounted to Weaver bases to put the Sightmark on and rotated it 90 degrees counterclockwise so we could reach the illumination dial more easily with the left hand.To determine the accuracy of standard hunting ammunition, we selected the following test rounds: Federal Premium 308 Winchester 168-grain Matchking BTHP GM308M; Winchester Super-X 308 Winchester 150-grain Power Point X3085; and Freedom Munitions 308 Winchester 150-grain FMJ. As the accompanying accuracy table shows, the Vanguard shot within its 1.5-inch guarantee with two rounds, the Freedom Munitions FMJs and Federal Premium Matchking boattails, with the Ruger trailing in accuracy performance across the board. As we wrung them out, we noticed other pros and cons with both rifles, which we report below:

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...