
Biden Administration Cancels Hunter Education & Archery Funding

U.S. Senators John Cornyn and Thom Tillis recently wrote Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona to register their disapproval of a decision by the Biden...
concealed carry deadly force

New Shooter’s Guide: You Have Your Concealed Carry Permit – Should You Carry?

Well, you did it. You got your License to Carry, CCW, CHL or whatever they call it in your state. Perhaps you did that...

The 5 Best 380 ACP Pistols

What many concealed carry consumers do is use Gun Tests grades and write-ups to identify problems and things to look for when purchasing a firearm. But the final decision has to be made by the buyer, because a gun should fit the shooter like a pair of well-worn shoes. That requires very personal decision-making for the CCW licensee. With that said, here are five handguns I believe stand out above the others if you're looking for a handgun with modest recoil.

SHOT Show 2019: Shotguns, Ammo, Compact Pistols, and Aftermarket AR Trigger

At SHOT 2019, Gun Tests Editor Todd Woodard rustled up some interesting products that are beginning to appear this spring. Here's a quick look at new self-defense ammo from Browning and Winchester, a new shotgun from Armscor, new compact pistols in 9mm and 380 ACP from Springfield Armory, and a new drop-in trigger for your favorite AR-15 from American Tactical.

Government Shutdown: No Suppressors for You!

As the government shutdown extends into its third week, suppressor buyers and dealers across the country have wondered: will the shutdown have an impact on suppressor transfers? The answer, unfortunately, is yes.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh: A So-So Gun Guy?

From the standpoint of gunowners' rights, will Judge Kavanaugh be "fer us or agin' us" if he's elevated to the Supreme Court? Or, said another way, will he be a "good guy on guns" or just a so-so one? "Right now, nobody knows for sure how a 'Justice Kavanaugh' might rule on gunowner rights at the SCOTUS level," said Gun Tests Editor Todd Woodard. "But the tea leaves, the entrails, the penumbras suggest he strongly leans our way."

The Price of Handgun Accuracy: How Much to Pay for 3/4s of an Inch?

Another handgun magazine recently ran an article praising the 25-yard accuracy of a 9mm 1911 Ed Brown CCO pistol ($3,585). It shot 2-inch groups using high performance ammo. Curious about how my used S&W 9mm Shield V1 ($269) with a drop-in stainless-steel barrel ($170) would do, I staged my own comparison test. Using SIG Sauer Elite Performance JHP 124-grain ammo, my Shield shot a 2.75-inch group from the rest. The question I have for you and your readers is this: Is the extra 0.75 inch in accuracy at 25 yards worth the additional $3146?

No Go Bang Sometimes: M&P 380 SHIELD EZ Manual Thumb Safety

"It seems the function of the M&P 380 Shield EZ Manual Thumb Safety pistol can be influenced by the type and quality of ammunition used with the pistol," said Todd Woodard, Editor of Gun Tests Magazine. "Most gun owners realize that's the case with most firearms.

Attention: Important Kel-Tec Sub-2000 Safety Recall Notice

According to a Kel-Tec statement, an issue with the "heat treatment of certain steel tubes received from a third‐party supplier from which the barrels for a limited number of Kel‐Tec SUB‐2000 rifles were manufactured," may rupture the barrels when firing cartridges. The safety of our customers is our primary concern, so Kel‐Tec has voluntarily initiated this recall because of the possibility of a barrel rupturing."

‘Say Something’ Leads to ‘Do Nothing’

Gun Tests readers are just as horrified as anyone else by what happened in Florida. Our condolences go out to the families and to the larger Parkland community who have to bear the consequences of this horrible act. Further, Gun Tests readers, like other responsible gun owners, want something done to stop school shootings.

The Bullseye Target Cam: SHOT Show 2018

This target camera records a 300 Yard Range (with clear line of sight) and features track shot placement (blinks with last shot), measure groups, calculate sight-in adjustments, mark shots, color shorts and more! View bullet impact on target immediately via your phone or tablet or computer. Recharge the cam's lithium-ion battery pack with charger (12hr run time). Compatible with free Bullseye Target Manager software package for iPhone, iPad, Android devices, windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 Secure AmmoCan Style Carrying Case.

Giving a Firearm as a Gift? Some Reminders from Gun Tests

The first question you have to ask is whether the intended recipient can legally own the firearm where he or she lives. With more than 20,000 different gun laws on the books, even the kinds of firearms that law-abiding citizens can own vary from place to place; for example, juveniles (under age 18), generally speaking, are precluded by law from possessing a handgun.

I Knew Joe Biden Was Lying

President Joe Biden announced on December 1, 2024 that he has pardoned his son Hunter Biden for various crimes. If you’ll recall, Hunter was...