Federal Firearms Licensing Center Moves to Martinsburg, West Virginia
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Female Firearm Trafficker Sentenced to 4 Years
Shopping for a Beretta Silver Pigeon II on GunBroker.com
Gun Tests said of the Silver Pigeon, _ìthe Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon II Sporting is a traditionally styled and typically proportioned sub-gauge. Trim in stock, wrist, receiver, and fore-end, the gun is a symmetrically shrunken version of the 12 gauge. ìPerhaps the greatest testament to this gun_s speed was that all our test shooters came off the sporting clays course liking the gun for that sport, but wanting to head directly for the skeet field. And, indeed, this gun excelled beyond the others at the more regimented sport._
In the test, the SPII listed for $2950. But prices for similar guns on GunBroker.com show wide variations off MSRP.
The gun in Auction # 110246420, listed by Tucker Gun in Atlanta, had a “buy now” price of $2950, or MSRP. The opening bid was $400 less, or $2599. The auction had two days to run on Tuesday.
Another GunBroker.com listing, # 109384437, had a similar gun to the one Gun Tests evaluated, but in 28 gauge. On sale by Gander Mountain in Green Bay, Wisconsin, it is a new Beretta 687 Silver Pigeon V 28 gauge with color case-hardened receiver. With 3 days left on the auction, the high bid was $2001, which didn_t meet the reserve. The Buy Now price was $2799.
Taurus Acquires Rossi Firearms
Firearms Industry Congratulates Palin on Nomination; Urges Sportsmen to Register to Vote
NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) – the trade association for the firearms industry – congratulated Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on accepting the Republican nomination for vice president of the United States. The industry's association also reminded all hunters, sportsmen and gun-owners to register to vote and secure an absentee ballot if they plan on being in the field on Election Day, Nov. 4.
No Surprise: Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Endorses Biden
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence praised Sen. Barack Obama's choice for vice presidential running mate, Sen. Joe Biden.
Palin’s Statement on Heller Re: Gun Ownership Rights
From a statement by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on the Supreme Court's decision on DC vs. Heller, June 26, 2008: