Down Range: March 2014
Down Range: February 2014
Down Range: January 2014
I like the first month of the year. It means Ill soon be headed to the SHOT Show, where tons of new and interesting stuff gets introduced. But some companies are already busy getting new products in the pipeline, and here are a few interesting ones I think are worth noting:
Down Range: December 2013
Editor, seemingly believed that regulation isn't an infringement of the 2nd Amendment, and it got him in hot water with his readers. The columnist wrote in his December G&A "Backstop" column that "way too many gun owners still seem to believe that any regulation of the right to keep and bear arms is an infringement. The fact is, all constitutional rights are regulated, always have been, and need to be.
Down Range: November 2013
I recently set up a trust and bought my first suppressor — an $1100 decision spurred in part by President Obama's August 29 announcements of two new executive actions on firearms.
Down Range: October 2013
In the August 2013 issue, Ray Ordorica compared two full-size 9mm pistols, a surplus CZ 75 (about $350) and a new Tokarev M70A, made in Serbia by Zastava (about $330). The CZ, designed in 1975 and with more than a million having been built, is one of very few DA/SA pistols that can be carried cocked and locked. The CZ is big and stout enough that even the hottest 9mm ammo with the heaviest bullets would hardly kick enough to disturb the composure of the weakest-handed shooter.
Down Range: September 2013
It is said that in Hollywood, an initial movie pitch has to be made in 25 words or fewer. When I enjoy a movie as a guilty pleasure, I try to imagine what the original pitch sounded like — such as these action movies in which guns play a big role, either as tools or metaphors.
Down Range: August 2013
Are you a teacher? Know one? Live with one? If so, do you endorse what a vice president of the National Education Association said at this year's Netroots Nation conference? Speaking to 3,000 assembled "progressive activists" at the conference, NEA VP Lily Eskelsen Garca, a sixth-grade teacher from Utah, boldly declared a "prophecy" about the eternal destiny of NRA and Second Amendment supporters, and of politicians and lobbyists working to promote gun rights. She said, "I'm not an ordained minister; I'm not a theologian, but these guys are going to hell." The NEA has more than 3 million members.
Down Range: June 2013
President Obama recently blamed the defeat of Senate gun-control proposals on lies spread by the National Rifle Association, calling it "a pretty shameful day for Washington. The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill," Obama said in the White House Rose Garden about 90 minutes after the vote. In April, senators voted 54-46 to expand background checks of gun purchases, six votes shy of the 60 votes needed for passage of the amendment under the Senate's debate rules.
Downrange: May 2013
It would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic. The overlords who seek to disarm us just don't know anything about guns, which makes them both arrogant and dangerous. Three recent eyebrow-raising examples.
Downrange: April 2013
The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that there is no Second Amendment right to carry a concealed firearm in public. The broad wording of the decision in Peterson v. Martinez creates a far-reaching national precedent against carrying a loaded handgun outside the home. The case began on a challenge by a Washington State man against Colorado's law to issue CHL permits only to state residents. But the final ruling held, "In light of our nation's extensive practice of restricting citizens' freedom to carry firearms in a concealed manner, we hold that this activity does not fall within the scope of the Second Amendment's protections." The federal court also rejected arguments that Colorado's CHL law infringed on the Equal Protection Clause and the Privileges and Immunities Clause.
Downrange: March 2013
Like other gun-control supporters, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) campaigned for banning handguns in the 1980s. Since the early 1990s, however, she has campaigned for banning a variety of firearms — mostly rifles — she calls "assault weapons," along with any firearm magazine that holds 11 or more rounds of ammunition, which she calls "large." The NRA-ILA points out that numbers of all of the firearms and magazines that Sen. Feinstein has advocated banning have risen to all-time highs. Americans now own about 100 million handguns, tens of millions of "assault weapons," and many tens of millions of "large" magazines.