Down Range: February 2012
On Black Friday 2011, gun dealers deluged the FBI with background-check requests for prospective handgun and long-gun buyers, breaking the previous record by more than 30%. Background checks, required by federal law, surged to nearly 130,000 during the day, surpassing the previous high of 97,848 on Black Friday of 2008. The second busiest day on record was two days before this past Christmas, with 102,222 checks. Dennis Henigan, acting president of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said he was "skeptical" of the Black Friday gun surge. He said, "I think there may be no real significance at all."
Down Range: January 2012
Surreal experience today. Took an hour for lunch, and while munching on red beans and rice, I remembered I had the season-ending episode of FX's Sons of Anarchy on the TiVo. So I engage the box and start watching the cliffhanger. If you haven't seen that episode yet, stop reading now.
Down Range: December 2011
If I must say, one of my most endearing traits is the ability to buy perfect presents for anniversaries, birthdays, and Christmas — just ask the CFO, who's snorting coffee out her nose as she reads that. Seeing as this is the traditional time of year for commemorations of Christ's Mass, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, and Yuletide, I wanted to pass along three thoughtful gift recommendations that are sure to wow your family, friends, and range buddies, though perhaps not in that order.
Long-Term Test of NanoLube: Itty-Bitty Diamonds Slick Guns
Down Range: November 2011
As monthly deadline cycles loom, I sometimes forget to just go shoot for fun. I personally don't shoot handguns much, mainly because the testing I conduct favors long guns. But my wife, Tracey, my son J.T. and his friend and co-worker Angela, and Product Coordinator Kevin Winkle and I went to Memorial Shooting Center here in Houston recently and had a ball with sidearms.
Down Range: October 2011
In the latest development in the ongoing Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) 'Fast and Furious' scandal, the NRA-ILA reported that the Department of Justice has announced the appointment of U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota B. Todd Jones to serve as Acting Director of BATFE, replacing Kenneth Melson. The DOJ also announced that Dennis Burke, U.S. attorney for the district of Arizona, has resigned. And the Wall Street Journal reported that Emory Hurley, the assistant U.S. attorney responsible for the day-to-day operations of 'Fast and Furious,' has been removed from his post and reassigned to the department's Civil Division.
Down Range: September 2011
Some years ago, I sold two guns that I now regret selling. I used my Walther GX-1 22 LR for five years as a collegiate 3-position shooter at Texas A&M, competing all over the country and in Japan. As a working adult in New Jersey, I also shot it in a weeknight league in northern New Jersey and in a league that shot at West Point. Additionally, I had an LGR air rifle by the same manufacturer, using it to compete in the NCAA championships, where I met the really good shooters.
Down Range: August 2011
Ruger is one of the most aggressive companies at rolling out mid-year new products, and 2011 offers a bumper crop of new guns in the pipeline. Two new handguns caught my eye. The SR40c (directly below) is the compact version of the striker-fired SR40 pistol. The Ruger SR40c pistol has a 3.5-inch barrel and an overall length of 6.85 inches. The pistol weighs 23.40 ounces and features a height of 4.61 inches, with the same 1.27-inch-wide grip (across safety levers) as the full-sized SR40. It also has a fully adjustable 3-dot sight system and an integral accessory rail that accommodates most lights and lasers.
Down Range: July 2011
Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa is vowing to block President Obama's nominations until he gets detailed answers on a controversial program that resulted in drug cartels acquiring more than 1,300 firearms from the U.S., according a report in The Hill. Grassley is pressing the Department of Justice (DOJ) on who initiated the 'Gun Runner' program that authorized the sale of guns to people acting as straw purchasers for drug cartels in Mexico. Gun Runner might have contributed to the death of at least one federal agent.
Smallbore Accuracy Shootout: CZ, Browning, Anschtz Duel
Smallbore Accuracy Shootout: CZ, Browning, Anschtz Duel
Downrange: June 2011
Our sister site recently reported on a Texas bill that would permit concealed handgun license holders to carry openly. Curiously, Texas is one of only seven states that does not have some form of an open-carry law. Under Rep. George Lavender's (R-Texarkana) bill, CHL holders could carry their weapon openly if it was in a holster. 'We have a constitutional right to bear arms, and in many ways, it's being infringed on,' Rep. Lavender said. In the comments section under that story, there was a lot of back and forth about the topic—with some of the points covering areas I hadn't considered before.