Downrange: May 2011
It is an axiom in journalism that the customer is always wrong—which, of course, stands the customary business wisdom of 'the customer is always right' on its head. At least that's the way it is in most newspaper newsrooms I've been in, and it's even worse in the electronic media, which is much more of a beauty pageant than an episode of 'Jeopardy.' The derisive tone that 'the talent' takes when dealing with their readers, viewers, or users amazes me. Moreover, the journalistic gentry is often (usually) wrong, especially when it comes to guns and gun rights. They so misapprehend what the market really wants—facts piled upon more facts, and then some more facts—that they often go out of business.
Down Range: April 2011
Down Range: April 2011
Down Range: March 2011
Gene Taylor, sales manager over at our sister site, suggested I look at an item on the site entitled, 'Gunshow Operator Says Bloomberg Ran Entrapment Scam at Arizona Gun Show.' Taylor said, 'I'd heard that [New York City Mayor Michael] Bloomberg was thinking about a presidential run. After his latest stunt in Arizona, I think he can shelve that idea.'
Downrange: February 2011
First things first: I hope Rep. Gabrielle Giffords—and everyone else wounded in the Tucson Safeway shooting—makes a full recovery. It's tragic that she was shot while doing exactly what elected officials should be doing—making herself available to the people she serves in Arizona's District 8. And, of course, we mourn the six people murdered in early January, government employees and otherwise: U.S. District Judge John Roll, Dorothy Murray, Dorwin Stoddard, 9-year-old Christina Green, Phyllis Scheck, and Gabe Zimmerman. Paying them proper respect, and supporting the wounded, should be the sole focus of civil people.
Downrange: January 2011
Gun owners in New Jersey met last month to support Brian Aitken, who's currently serving seven years in state prison for bringing legal guns from another state into the Garden State. Aitken was a finance student at New York University, when on January 2, 2009, he was arrested for illegal possession of firearms while moving from one residence from another. All of the firearms were legally owned. Aitken passed three different NICS background checks to purchase them. But New Jersey statutes make it illegal for anyone without a concealed-carry permit to possess a firearm even if it's otherwise lawfully owned. The only way to lawfully possess firearms in New Jersey is through exemptions to the law like driving to and from a shooting range or moving residences.
Downrange: December 2010
Downrange: December 2010
Downrange: November 2010
Sabatti 450/400: Affordable Double Rifle, Perfect Caliber
A double rifle for $5500? It can't be very good, we thought, when our neighbor phoned us to tell us he had just bought an Italian Sabatti Model 92 Deluxe rifle, new from Cabela's for that price, in caliber 450/400.
The cartridge is an excellent one for double rifles. It's known as the 450/400 3-inch or the 400 Jeffery. There is also a 3.25-inch version that was originally a blackpowder cartridge, but the 3-inch version was never factory loaded with black powder. It is one of the lower-pressure British cartridges, along with the 470 and 360 No. 2, and thus is an excellent choice for a double rifle, especially if it's to be used in extreme heat. The cartridge was one of the more popular all-around cartridges for hunting use when it was introduced in 1902. Its popularity suffered when the 375 H&H Magnum came along a few years later, but the 400 Jeff throws a heavier bullet, 400 grains versus 300, and some hunters prefer that.
We went to look at our neighbor's rifle, and then arranged to shoot it. What follows are our impressions and observations of what we now consider to be a bargain.