
From GOA: Your activism is making a huge difference!

According to a recent letter from Gun Owners of America's Larry Pratt, the Left is not happy at all with Gun Owners of America.

Downrange: March 2013

Like other gun-control supporters, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) campaigned for banning handguns in the 1980s. Since the early 1990s, however, she has campaigned for banning a variety of firearms — mostly rifles — she calls "assault weapons," along with any firearm magazine that holds 11 or more rounds of ammunition, which she calls "large." The NRA-ILA points out that numbers of all of the firearms and magazines that Sen. Feinstein has advocated banning have risen to all-time highs. Americans now own about 100 million handguns, tens of millions of "assault weapons," and many tens of millions of "large" magazines.

Will Ammo Become Currency?

Reader Gage assesses the current state of firearms and ammunition sales and sees mainline cartridges turning into investments. And lots of mail on what we do after Newtown.

Obama: Shooting All the Time

The White House released a photograph that they claim depicts President Obama skeet shooting at Camp David. They warned the internet not to alter it, which is basically like demanding that an alcoholic ignore a free bar. Here are few modifications the staff at the The Patriot Post came up with. Feel free to add more in the comments below.

Funny: Journalist’s Guide to Firearms Identification

As discussions continue about gun and magazine bans, talking heads on the TV get their gun terminology all messed up. Maybe it's because the reference they're using isn't quite up to snuff:

Skeptical Congresswoman Challenges Obama To Skeet Shooting Match

Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tennessee, joined a chorus of skeptics who questioned President Barack Obama's recent comments about his hobby of skeet shooting.

GOA: Biden Proposals Would Affect 50-80% of All Guns

Press reports now make it clear what Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control package will look like. Biden wants to impose:


The first dreadful pieces of news on Friday, December 14, out of Newtown, Connecticut coalesced into yawning horror that would grip a nation and sadden our world. Twenty-six people — 20 first graders — were dead at the hands of a lone, deeply troubled young man wielding an AR-15 and two semi-automatic handguns. People who own guns — people who love the freedom and responsibility that accompanies firearms ownership — are every bit as appalled and shocked as the non-gunowning public.

Gun-Buying 2012: We Want It All

The rock band Queen has a song entitled, "I Want It All." That is the attitude that many people are taking toward a potential assault weapons ban. I have seen an individual buy a shopping cart full of magazines. I asked him if he has a rifle for them, and he told me no, but he is buying them as an investment. I have seen a gentleman with his arms full of 5.56 NATO 20-round ammunition boxes, about 50. I guess he did not have the time or sense to get a shopping cart or basket. I said, "You have a lot of ammo." He replies, "Yes, I do." I asked him if he got it all? He replied, "Yes, I got it all!" He added that he was going to another store to look for more, and if he found it, he was going to buy all that, too. I asked him which store, and he said he would not tell me, because I might beat him there.

SHOT Show Opening Marks 35 Years

Nearly 60,000 industry professionals will attend the highly anticipated 35th anniversary of the Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade ShowTM (SHOT Show®) at the Las Vegas Sands Expo and Convention Center January 15-18.

Why So Few Reports of Legitimate Self-Defense, CCRKBA Asks

Anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was 'half-right' when he told NBC's Jimmy Fallon that there is 'scant coverage' of other firearms news, because there is virtually no coverage of self-defense uses every day, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says.

Harry Reid Prepares to Annihilate Second Amendment

On Election Day last November, several Democrat Senators were campaigning for reelection in pro-gun states. And in order to get their constituents’ votes, they promised fealty to the Second Amendment.

Weirdness in the Ammo Market

As the holidays arrive and we all think about buying presents for our loved ones, I wonder if we’ll have any money left over...
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