
CMP Offering Scholarships to Qualified High School Students

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is taking applications for its $1,000 annual college scholarship program, available to all graduating high school seniors who participate in rifle or pistol marksmanship competitions.

Stevens’ Push On Guns Underscores Importance Of High Court Nominees

Monday's high-profile prodding by retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens for Congress to do something, and for presidential candidates to say something, about gun control proves the importance of who is in the White House and the U.S. Senate to make and confirm high court nominations, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Univision Connects Fast and Furious to Mexican Massacre

A Univision television report blames the Obama administration for helping fuel violence and a war between Mexican drug cartels because of Fast and Furious, which began in 2009. At that time, the report said, “the ATF and Arizona prosecutors told gun-store owners to sell weapons without restrictions to suspicious buyers.”

More BATFE, DOJ Officials Need To Lose Jobs in Fast and Furious Scandal

The chairman of a House committee investigating the Fast and Furious gunrunning operation praised a report by the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General on what went wrong in the bungled investigation but said more people involved need to lose their jobs.

Rumor Control: U.N. ATT and POA, Bad but Different

The latest rumor making its way through the darker corners of the internet is an inaccurate spin on the U.N.'s never-ending mission to disarm the American people. The rumors vary, but some have wrongly claimed that the U.S. has secretly adopted a U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, subjecting Americans to the schemes of U.N. gun controllers, according to the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action.

The New Gun Culture

A recent article at by Richard Johnson describes how the demographics of the gun community has changed, and why. Johnson writes:

Blackwash: So Far, Only Two Take the Fall for ‘Fast and Furious’

Released Wednesday, the Justice Department’s Inspector General report on the Obama administration’s “Fast and Furious” gun-walking scheme blamed more than a dozen senior officials within the department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) for a variety of professional mistakes in administering the program, according to a story in the Cheaper Than Dirt! Shooter’s Log.

The S&W M&P15 Sport: Add Bling for Fun

Readers can legitimately question the wisdom of buying a $650 AR and spending $700 more on it. Such is the case with the Modern Sporting Rifle. It is a hole into which you can just keep pouring money.

Judicial Watch Sues Department of Justice for ‘Fast and Furious’ Documents

What is President Obama hiding? That's the question at the center of a Judicial Watch lawsuit filed against the Department of Justice last week, says the group’s president Tom Fitton.

Down Range: October 2012

Working in the bowels of the Fast and Furious mess have been two largely unthanked writers, gun blogger David Codrea and citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh of the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog. Over the months, and now years, of this newest BATFE scandal, they have continued to locate and publicize whistleblowers' accounts, incriminating documents, and other strings that unraveled this unbelievably stupid operation. I wish I could say it was "criminally stupid" what various DOJ lawyers and law-enforcement "professionals" committed in F&F, but the fact of the matter is, when you work for FedGov, you can wrongly shoot people (ask Randy Weaver) or immolate dozens of women and children (in Waco) and still retire with a fat taxpayer-funded pension.

Firelapping Barrels Revisited

Although the Cabela's 45 groups got smaller, they were not the tiny ones I had seen others achieve via this process. I had seen a fellow writer do far better and also the examples provided by Beartooth had been better. Hence my disappointment. I have since learned there are limits to what can be achieved depending on things like fitting of the cylinder to the gun, etc. Next, I apparently didn't make it sufficiently clear that the felt slugging resistance can come from many things, such as barrel roughness as well as cramping from later machining processes. Also, the tighness can come from lead or metal fouling left in the bore before slugging, and that's why the bore must be absolutely clean before checking it. The Beartooth manual details exactly what and how the lead slugs accomplish removal of metal down the bore, not just at the leade. I suggest you get that manual and read it.

Firelapping Barrels Revisited

Although the Cabela's 45 groups got smaller, they were not the tiny ones I had seen others achieve via this process. I had seen a fellow writer do far better and also the examples provided by Beartooth had been better. Hence my disappointment. I have since learned there are limits to what can be achieved depending on things like fitting of the cylinder to the gun, etc. Next, I apparently didn't make it sufficiently clear that the felt slugging resistance can come from many things, such as barrel roughness as well as cramping from later machining processes. Also, the tighness can come from lead or metal fouling left in the bore before slugging, and that's why the bore must be absolutely clean before checking it. The Beartooth manual details exactly what and how the lead slugs accomplish removal of metal down the bore, not just at the leade. I suggest you get that manual and read it.

Weirdness in the Ammo Market

As the holidays arrive and we all think about buying presents for our loved ones, I wonder if we’ll have any money left over...
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