
NSSF Respondsto ATF Mexican Trace Report

ATF yesterday released a report on firearms submitted by the government of Mexico for tracing since 2007. One screaming headline referred to the “Vast Majority of Mexican Crime Guns Originate in U.S. New ATF Trace Data Reveals.” If you have been following the issue of Mexican gun traces on this blog, you will realize the truth is a rapidly shrinking “Vast Majority” and the so-called “flood” of guns going into Mexico moves at glacier-like speed.

NRA-ILA Debunks Highway Bill Anti-Gun Rumors

NRA-ILA writes that reports have been circulating regarding S. 1813--a highway bill recently passed by the U.S. Senate. The story goes that this bill would allow the IRS to seize your passport and your guns if you owe more than $50,000 in back taxes. The claims are totally bogus, says NRA-ILA.

Federal LE Agencies Stonewall CBS Reporter Attkisson

Sharyl Attkisson, a CBS News investigative correspondent based in Washington, wrote on the CBS News website recently that for more than a year, she has been investigating the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms' 'Fast and Furious' operation and the controversial tactic of 'gunwalking.'

Crickets, not Gunfights, Heard on Anniversary of Ohio CC Law

Ohio’s concealed-handgun license law turned 8 years old on that Sunday afternoon. Notably absent from the festivities were blood in the streets, Wild West reenactments and an epidemic of accidental gun injuries. To understand the significance of this event and why today it seems completely unremarkable, simply Google “Ohio concealed carry 2003” and prepare to be astonished.

Gun Owners Get Fair Treatmentat Tampa Paper

John Romano, columnist for the Tampa Bay Times newspaper, recently attended concealed carry classes in the Florida city and produced an even-handed account of the people at the classes and their motivations for taking the class. Excerpts:

In Florida, People Use Refunds to Buy Guns

At FOX 35 News in Orange County, Fla. comes this report: 'Forget about paying the bills with your tax refund, some are heading to the gun shop instead. Over at Shoot Straight employees say more people are taking a shot at a owning a gun, thanks to Uncle Sam.… As people debate the Stand Your Ground law, many worry about losing the right to own a gun, 'Any time people feel their second amendment right might be taken away or altered, they get concerned and buy the guns that they can buy now, while they can.'

Questions We’d Like to Ask Calderon Re: F&F

David Kopel, adjunct law professor at Denver University and co-author of “Firearms Law and the Second Amendment”, wrote in the Washington Times this week: 'Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s visit to Washington last week featured his usual lecturing of Americans about gun control. This time, he had some good ideas, although he remains wedded to many bad ones, too. A polite guest, Mr. Calderon did not mention the “Fast and Furious” operation during his public events with President Obama. But reports indicate that he did bring it up privately, and he was furious - justifiably so.'

NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre @ NRAAM: We Are Less Free Today Than A Decade...

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre spoke at the NRA Annual Meetings April 14, 2012. If you weren’t able to attend, a link to a transcript of his comments appears below, courtesy of the NRA. Or click the player window to watch the speech. 'All over this nation, people feel it in their hearts — that something has gone terribly wrong in our country. In almost every way you look at it, almost every aspect of American freedom is in some state of decline.

NBC Shows Anti-Gun Bias . . . Again

Larry Keane, general counsel of the NSSF, weighed in recently on the biased reporting about Remington firearms by NBC’s Rock Center program.

National Review Online:SYG Laws Not a ‘License to Murder’

The editors of National Review Online recently did a clean, clear job of reacting to demands that self-defense laws enacted in many states to protect victims don't get repealed because of the Trayvon Martin case in Florida. From the article:

F&F is Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal

Katie Pavlich, news editor at, has written a new book called Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up.

Oil Filter Suppressor Adapter a Hoot

The Econo-Can is a patent-pending legal and registered silencer by American Specialty Ammo. It actually is an adapter that uses a removable expansion chamber — aka a car oil filter — to suppress the firearm. The video below shows that this device is as quiet as any 22 LR silencer we have tested. But it’s not a toy or novelty. It’s a registered silencer and must be treated as such. The adapter is threaded 1/2-28. This is a NFA item and all NFA rules and regulations apply. Price: $55.

Weirdness in the Ammo Market

As the holidays arrive and we all think about buying presents for our loved ones, I wonder if we’ll have any money left over...
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