Viewpoints Video: Midway USA Safety on the Sporting Clays Range

Watch as Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA shows how to safety handle a gun on the sporting clays field. The proper use of eye and ear protection is covered as well as using the correct ammunition. Safe gun handling is emphasized with specific examples unique to the sporting clays field.

Down Range: August 2011

Ruger is one of the most aggressive companies at rolling out mid-year new products, and 2011 offers a bumper crop of new guns in the pipeline. Two new handguns caught my eye. The SR40c (directly below) is the compact version of the striker-fired SR40 pistol. The Ruger SR40c pistol has a 3.5-inch barrel and an overall length of 6.85 inches. The pistol weighs 23.40 ounces and features a height of 4.61 inches, with the same 1.27-inch-wide grip (across safety levers) as the full-sized SR40. It also has a fully adjustable 3-dot sight system and an integral accessory rail that accommodates most lights and lasers.

Which States Offer Reciprocity?

I just received my July issue and read the article, 'Aluminum, Polymer, and Steel 45 ACP Semiautos Square Off.' For the uninformed, the reviewer has unfairly evaluated the Glock 36. He mentions the G36 magazine is thicker than that for the 1911. What is probably more important for personal defense is the pistol width. The max width of the Glock itself is nearly a half-inch less than that of the Colt. He expressed 'caution' for the unsupported chamber in the Glock barrel, as it is a concern, stating that '+P loads should be used sparingly.' This is downright misleading. Documented personal experience and online forum comments from actual Glock owners would summarily refute such a ridiculous assertion.

Which States Offer Reciprocity?

I just received my July issue and read the article, 'Aluminum, Polymer, and Steel 45 ACP Semiautos Square Off.' For the uninformed, the reviewer has unfairly evaluated the Glock 36. He mentions the G36 magazine is thicker than that for the 1911. What is probably more important for personal defense is the pistol width. The max width of the Glock itself is nearly a half-inch less than that of the Colt. He expressed 'caution' for the unsupported chamber in the Glock barrel, as it is a concern, stating that '+P loads should be used sparingly.' This is downright misleading. Documented personal experience and online forum comments from actual Glock owners would summarily refute such a ridiculous assertion. Video Brief: USA Shooting Team Explains International Skeet

Do you know the difference between a high-house and a low-house target? Learn more in this video about Men's and Women's Skeet. Video Tech Tips: Dry Firing

Dry practice training is valuable for all marksman. Olympian and Sgt 1st Class Keith Sanderson covers the details of this technique.

Administration’s Gun Restrictions Target Border State Citizens

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today criticized the Obama administration’s decision to impose new reporting requirements for gun sales in states along the U.S.-Mexico Border. Video Tech Tips: USAR Safety Tips

John M. Buol Jr. introduces USAR Team Shooting Coach MSG George Harris, who covers the vital topic of safety at the shooting range. Tip: The goal is to leave the range with the same number of holes you came with. Product Minute Video: Galco TacSlide Holster

Mike Barham, media liasion for Galco Holsters, explains the benefits and features of the TacSlide belt holster.

NRA-ILA: Bloomberg Flat-Out Lies in New Ad Campaign

( -- Last week, the most visible gun control advocate in this country, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, appeared on MSNBC and CNN, promoting his new TV ad urging that Congress impose so-called 'terrorist watchlist' gun control legislation. The ad features an edited portion of the well-known video of a scraggly-looking al Qaeda misfit claiming -- falsely -- that jihadists can buy machine guns at gun shows in the United States, without a background check. Video: Midway’s Basics of Revolver Operation

Watch as Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, demonstrates the basic safety and operational features of revolvers.

Firearms Industry Warns Retailers of Anti-gun Survey

( -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is urging extreme caution should retailers decide to participate in a firearms licensee survey being distributed by anti-gun researcher and activist Garen Wintemute and his colleagues at the University of California at Davis.

Weirdness in the Ammo Market

As the holidays arrive and we all think about buying presents for our loved ones, I wonder if we’ll have any money left over...
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