
Obama’s Concealed Weapon – Gun Control

Gun owners, beware. Hidden in Barack Obama's MTV-style acceptance speech was a message that should send chills up the spines of everyone who values not only the right to own a gun, but the very right of self-defense.

Downrange: 09/08

Over the years, I’ve shot my share of pistols, revolvers, shotguns, and rifles as a range rat—bumming a shot here or a magazine there from owners who will tolerate my interest in guns I don’t own. However, I rarely get to spend the time with products other than my personal guns to see if I would truly like competing items better. One of the advantages we enjoy at Gun Tests is our ability to compare firearms head to head. We think the best way to purchase firearms is to shoot them side by side and learn about the problems of a particular product, and then determine whether a competing product, shot at the same time with the same ammunition, is better or worse.

Downrange: 09/08

Over the years, I’ve shot my share of pistols, revolvers, shotguns, and rifles as a range rat—bumming a shot here or a magazine there from owners who will tolerate my interest in guns I don’t own. However, I rarely get to spend the time with products other than my personal guns to see if I would truly like competing items better. One of the advantages we enjoy at Gun Tests is our ability to compare firearms head to head. We think the best way to purchase firearms is to shoot them side by side and learn about the problems of a particular product, and then determine whether a competing product, shot at the same time with the same ammunition, is better or worse.

Firing Line: 09/08

I have been patiently waiting for you guys to do a test on the new and improved Ruger Ranch Rifle. I wanted to see how the new one compares to the old, especially for accuracy, and the stringing problem when the barrel is heated. The new Ranch Rifle has been around for about two years now. So I get the August 2008 issue and you test an old model! Thanks for nothing! If you guys want, mail me the guns and I’ll do the tests!

Firing Line: 09/08

I have been patiently waiting for you guys to do a test on the new and improved Ruger Ranch Rifle. I wanted to see how the new one compares to the old, especially for accuracy, and the stringing problem when the barrel is heated. The new Ranch Rifle has been around for about two years now. So I get the August 2008 issue and you test an old model! Thanks for nothing! If you guys want, mail me the guns and I’ll do the tests!

Upper Assembly of FNC Rifle BATFE Ruling

The upper assembly of the Fabrique Nationale Herstal SA (FN) FNC rifle is classified as the receiver of the firearm for purposes of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44, and the National Firearms Act, 26 U.S.C. Chapter 53.

Houston DA Wants Permission for ADAs to Carry in Court

The Houston Chronicle has reported that Harris County District Attorney Ken Magidson has asked for a legal opinion from Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to see if assistant DAs can be prevented from taking handguns into courtrooms.

Buy the Taurus Millennium PT145 Pro SS No. 145SSP 45 ACP, $421? Good Prices...

Gun Tests magazine recognized this in the January 2007 issue, when the magazine staff wrote that the 45 ACP was a Best Buy. “Ten rounds of big bullet with a full-size grip highlight this low-priced street fighter. A thumb safety and Heinie sights are plusses in our book.” A recent check of showed a couple of choices for the gun, both of which were substantially below the MSRP quoted in that issue—$421.

Worth Paying for the Benelli Super Black Eagle II No. 10016 had almost two dozen Black Eagle II’s listed a day ago, with a low price of $1,050 for a used gun with a 28” barrel and factory chokes and case.

Finally, Dick Heller Registers Revolver in D.C.

Dick Heller walked out of D.C. police headquarters Monday, clutching a yellow firearms registration certificate stamped 'approved.' He gave the thumbs-up sign, grinned and said, 'Victory!'

Baltimore OKs Gun-Theft Reporting Mandate, Despite Legality Questions

Gun owners in Baltimore whose firearms are stolen would be required to report the theft to police under legislation approved by the City Council yesterday—despite questions about whether the proposal is legal.

Bloomberg Tries Again On Gun Control

The Michael Bloomberg-funded Mayors Against Illegal Guns announced it has sent a six-question survey to both John McCain and Barack Obama that focuses on the foolish and misguided steps the group says should be made to the existing NICS background check system. The coalition sent a similar survey to the major-party candidates during the primaries, but didn't get a response. Now that the field has tightened to two, the “mayors” hope they'll have better luck.

Weirdness in the Ammo Market

As the holidays arrive and we all think about buying presents for our loved ones, I wonder if we’ll have any money left over...
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