
Firing Line: 05/08

Some thoughts on the new 327 Federal cartridge. I read the recent article on the Ruger SP101 chambered for the new cartridge. I noticed the bullet diameter is 0.312 inch and the case length is about 1.2 inches. This sounds a lot like the 30-caliber carbine with a rim. After all, the 30’s bullet diameter is only .04 inch smaller and shoots a 110-grain bullet at around 1400 fps from a handgun. I love shooting my Ruger Blackhawk in that caliber. I realize the Blackhawk has a longer barrel. Out of a rifle barrel, the 30 Carbine is doing about 2000 fps. I’ll bet the 327 Federal would do about the same.

Firing Line: 05/08

Some thoughts on the new 327 Federal cartridge. I read the recent article on the Ruger SP101 chambered for the new cartridge. I noticed the bullet diameter is 0.312 inch and the case length is about 1.2 inches. This sounds a lot like the 30-caliber carbine with a rim. After all, the 30’s bullet diameter is only .04 inch smaller and shoots a 110-grain bullet at around 1400 fps from a handgun. I love shooting my Ruger Blackhawk in that caliber. I realize the Blackhawk has a longer barrel. Out of a rifle barrel, the 30 Carbine is doing about 2000 fps. I’ll bet the 327 Federal would do about the same.

Clinton, Obama Play Both Sides of Gun Issue

…Both candidates said they support and respect an individual's right to own guns, but the positions they endorsed -- an ‘assault weapons’ ban, expanded police access to federal gun-trace data, and keeping guns out of the ‘wrong hands’ -- are straight out of the gun-control play book.

Obama Linked To Gun Control Efforts

…Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has worked to assure uneasy gun owners that he believes the Constitution protects their rights and that he doesn’t want to take away their guns.

New Remington TV Ad To Feature Favre

…While Green Bay Packers fans continue to debate whether Brett Favre will ever come back to play, the iconic quarterback has just finished filming two new commercials that will debut nationally in a few months.

Can Candidates Dance Around State Guarantees of Gun Rights?

Volokh's compilation of state constitutional guarantees of gun rights is interesting reading – particularly Pennsylvania’s very clear language dating from 1776 and 1790.

The Democrats and Gun Control

…Are the two Democrat candidates misrepresenting their positions on gun rights to gain an edge in the Pennsylvania Democrat primary?

Down Range: 05/08

Gun manufacturing volume rose slightly from 2005 to 2006, BATFE records show. The ATF’s latest Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Export Report (AFMER) provides valuable insight into the performance of individual companies and the type of firearms they produce. ATF embargoes the data for one year, so 2006 is the latest data available. Total firearms production in 2006 increased 3.3 percent, following a 4-percent uptick in 2005. Pistol and rifle production increased the most in 2006, while shotguns posted a slight increase, and revolvers a 14-percent decline. In 2006, Remington Arms Co. outpaced other U.S. firearm manufacturers by slightly more than 175,000 firearms to top the Gun Tests list of the Top 5 U.S. Manufacturers. This is the sixth straight year Remington has achieved the number-one ranking, making only long guns. With 603,279 firearms, Remington led Mossberg (425,761), Smith & Wesson (408,095), Sturm, Ruger (403,272), and Savage (122,438) in total manufacturing.

Down Range: 05/08

Gun manufacturing volume rose slightly from 2005 to 2006, BATFE records show. The ATF’s latest Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Export Report (AFMER) provides valuable insight into the performance of individual companies and the type of firearms they produce. ATF embargoes the data for one year, so 2006 is the latest data available. Total firearms production in 2006 increased 3.3 percent, following a 4-percent uptick in 2005. Pistol and rifle production increased the most in 2006, while shotguns posted a slight increase, and revolvers a 14-percent decline. In 2006, Remington Arms Co. outpaced other U.S. firearm manufacturers by slightly more than 175,000 firearms to top the Gun Tests list of the Top 5 U.S. Manufacturers. This is the sixth straight year Remington has achieved the number-one ranking, making only long guns. With 603,279 firearms, Remington led Mossberg (425,761), Smith & Wesson (408,095), Sturm, Ruger (403,272), and Savage (122,438) in total manufacturing.

Heston’s Political Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Abridge Gun Rights

WASHINGTON -- As Moses, Charlton Heston thunderously rallied his people with the Ten Commandments in hand. The tablet of his political life was carved with something else - the Second Amendment.Heston was not just the public face of the gun-rights movement but a good deal of the fire in its belly during a transformational time in the decades-old debate. He lived to see Democrats running away from a cause they once embraced, scared…

Gallup Poll: Public Believes Americans Have Right to Own Guns

The often fierce debate over the Second Amendment has centered on whether it was intended to protect the rights of all Americans to own guns, or only those who are members of state militia groups. The poll makes it clear which side Americans come down on. Gun owners (roughly one-third of the U.S. adult population) are nearly universal in endorsing the view that the Second Amendment guarantees their right to own guns. Non-owners are less likely to view the amendment this way, but a majority still do.

Firing Line: 04/08

There is a specific reason why, two years ago, I selected a Beretta U22 over all of the other .22 pistols on the market. I’m left-handed, and the Beretta had an ambidextrous safety. I once had a Ruger MK1 target, and it did shoot beautifully, but it’s right-hand-only lever made it difficult for me to carry as a field gun. Your article was all too similar to other gun magazine articles—not one mention of the Beretta’s south-paw user friendliness and not a single reference to the other guns’ omission of an ambidextrous safety. You do the same thing when you review a bolt-action. You don’t tell the reader if the rifle is offered in a left-hand variant. 17% of us care about that.

Weirdness in the Ammo Market

As the holidays arrive and we all think about buying presents for our loved ones, I wonder if we’ll have any money left over...
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