
Downrange: 09/06

The Coming StormU.S. gunowners are right to fear the confiscatory nature of our lawmakers who believe the 2nd Amendment is an anachronism. But the larger fight about any human beings right to defend himself with a firearm is being played on a global stage, and the debate is chilling for anyone who believes gun ownership is a right on par with free speech, free assembly, and free association. …

Firing Line: 09/06

Re "Big-Bore Revolvers: For Power,Choose Rugers Super Redhawk," April 2006I was glad to see a review of the .454 Alaskan. I live in the mountains of the West, and I would like to see more comments or an article comparing what we call "bear guns" here. I assume most .454 loads are too much for this guns weight, but would like your staffs opinion. Ruger now has their Alaskan out in .44 Magnum. Is this…

Downrange: 08/06

Are NY Snoops Straw Buyers?The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is taking a closer look at the information used to support a federal lawsuit filed by the city of New York against gun shops around the country.The lawsuit contends that 15 gun shops in five states broke federal law by letting one person buy a gun for another in what is called a "straw purchase." …

Firing Line: 08/06

Re "Weatherbys SAS Field Kicks Grass in Duck-Blind Showdown"July 2006I just read your review of Weatherby, Browning and Beretta duck guns. Ill still stick with my two Remington 11-87s instead. The 11-87 doesnt have a magazine cut-off, and Ive talked to the factory about that. To me, that is the glaring deficiency in the gun. …

Firing Line: 07/06

Re "Cowboy .38 Specials: EMF Is Our Pick, Ruger Gets A Buy Nod," June 2006: Thanks for your great review of the Ruger Blackhawk and some of its competitors. Coincidentally, this same handgun was "reviewed" in another magazine in the same month. What a difference! While the competing article was basically an uncritical description (and complimented the transfer bar mechanism, which you found problematic in your test), it largely compared the new Blackhawk to the original.…

Downrange: 07/06

Many of us missed the NRAs 2006 Annual Meeting held in Milwaukee in late May, so we didnt get to hear Wayne R. LaPierres keynote address at the convention. The NRAs executive vice president always has salient points to make on gun ownership, so heres a recap of some of his remarks on Tuesday, May 23: …

Firing Line: 06/06

Re A Trio of Pocket .380 ACPs:
Steer Clear of NAAs Guardian, April 2006:

When you tested a new PPK, you had fail-to-fire problems in the double-action mode. Has S&W fixed the problem, and is this a one-gun problem, or is it occurring in the entire PPK line?


Readers will recall we had trouble with the fine little .380 Walther PPK, now made by S&W. Our test gun failed repeatedly to fire in the double-action mode. We sent the gun back to have the problem looked into, and got it back in short order. The redone gun no longer fails in any way. The gun has now fired many rounds of a variety of ammunition in the DA mode, with zero failures to fire. A phone...

Downrange: 06/06


Some Florida businesses are getting around state carry laws, as well as Constitutional principles, by trying to ban guns in cars.

In Florida, some businesses are banning firearms in their parking lots. Some are even searching private vehicles that park in parking lots that are open to the public. These gun-ban policies are discrimination against people who chose to exercise a constitutional right and take responsibility for their own safety.

A Florida House measure, HB 129, would prohibit employers from having a policy to prohibit firearms in vehicles on the employers property. It would be a third-degree felony for the employer to have such a p...

Firing Line: 05/06

Of Mausers, Pocket .380s, and So On
The April issue of Gun Tests was great (OK, so were all the previous ones), and I found several articles of particular interest.

Messy Old Mausers: I would be totally discouraged from buying one of the $99 rifles you reviewed, not wishing to acquire an expertise in cosmoline removal; however, I have seen Mitchells Mausers ( advertise new Mausers for $299 (collectors grade).

The extra cost might be a good trade-off against the work you did to get yours to the point of testing. According to Mitchells, these were manufactured in Serbia during WWII on German too...

Downrange: 05/06


The National Rifle Association has filed a motion for contempt against the City of New Orleans, the mayor and the acting chief of police for failure to comply with a temporary restraining order, handed down September 12, 2005, ordering an end to all illegal gun confiscations.

Wayne LaPierre, NRA executive vice president, said, …Ray Nagin thinks hes above the law, and thats just wrong.

Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist said, During a federally declared emergency, [Nagin] abused his power and abandoned the very people he was sworn to protect. He took away the victims freedom and their basic means of self-defense during an ill-fated and peril...

Downrange: 04/06

Buy Lotts Bias Against Guns

"The Bias Against Guns, Why Almost Everything Youve Heard about Gun Control Is Wrong," is a follow-up book to "More Guns, Less Crime," the ground-breaking work by economist John R. Lott Jr.

"Bias" examines the inaccurate coverage of guns, the role of firearms in self-defense and countering terrorism, and the impact of gun-control laws such as waiting periods and regulations on gun shows. Lott, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, writes in Bias that guns receive tremendous attention from media and government.

And he asks rhetorically if these institutions do a good job of informing people about the costs and benefits o...

Firing Line: 04/06

Re: Taurus, AWA, and Beretta Rifles Meet at the Not-Quite OK Corral
March 2006

I was tickled pink when todays mail brought the March issue of GT, with the positive review of the Taurus Thunderbolt. Ive lusted for one in .357 Magnum since I first ran across it on the Taurus website, but hadnt seen a review of it and wondered whether it was any good. So your positive review was most welcome. I cant wait until my dealer can get one in.

Ray Shaw
Merriam, KS


Re: Budget .45 Colt Cowboy Guns: Heritage Comes Up Shooting
February 2006

I am a very satisfied owner of a Cabela Millennium and a Taurus Gaucho, both in .45 LC, so I was surprise...

Weirdness in the Ammo Market

As the holidays arrive and we all think about buying presents for our loved ones, I wonder if we’ll have any money left over...
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