California Division of Parole Selects Smith & Wesson M&P40 Pistol


( — Smith & Wesson Corp. has announced that the California Division of Parole has begun issuing its officers a new duty side arm, the Smith & Wesson M&P40 pistol.

The agency took possession of the 2,300 pistols chambered in .40 S&W from Smith & Wesson in November and officers in the field are currently using the M&P40.

In addition to the 2,300 pistols received by the agency, the California Division of Parole also purchased 25 M&P simunition training guns. The simunition firearms, designed to operate identically to the M&P pistol but without the use of live ammunition, will be utilized by the division when conducting force on force training drills as well as for acclimating new officers to design and functionality of the M&P40 pistol. Smith & Wesson will also provide the agency with a variety of other services including armory training and technical support.


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