Soccer Mom Carries Openly, Gets Concealed License Revoked


From a story by John Latimer, staff writer for the Lebanan (PA) Daily News:

What’s the difference between a bulldog and a soccer mom?

In the case of Meleanie Hain, it’s a loaded sidearm.

On Sept. 11, Hain created a stir among other parents when she wore her weapon — a loaded Glock 26, about the size of an adult hand — in a holster to her 5-year-old daughter’s soccer game at Optimist Park in Lebanon, also known as Southwest Park.

Although she did not break a law by carrying the weapon openly, she is now facing the loss of her concealed-weapons permit. But she is not giving up without a fight.

“I’m just a soccer mom who has always openly carried (a firearm), and I’ve never had a problem before,” she said. “I don’t understand why this is happening to me.”

To read the rest of the story, click here:


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