Statement of Brady President Paul Helmke on Second Amendment Ruling by U.S. Supreme Court


( — Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Center and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statements. See the’s staff [comments in brackets] following each Helmke misstatement.

Helmke: We can expect two things as a result of today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in McDonald v. Chicago: the gun lobby and gun criminals will use it to try to strike down gun laws, and those legal challenges will continue to fail.

[Lies. Heller and McDonald aren’t failures, are they? Also, Otis McDonald is not a member of the NRA or any other gun group, that we’re aware of. How are he or the other litigants the gun lobby? Helmke attempts to link gun-rights groups and “gun criminals.” Is Helmke calling the litigants criminals? Is the city of Chicago criminal because it denied Constitutional rights to citizens? Many think so.]

Helmke: “We are pleased that the Court reaffirmed its language in District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment individual right to possess guns in the home for self-defense does not prevent our elected representatives from enacting common-sense gun laws to protect our communities from gun violence. We are reassured that the Court has rejected, once again, the gun lobby argument that its ‘any gun, for anybody, anywhere’ agenda is protected by the Constitution.

[Face-saving lie. The Brady group lost a big decision here. What happens in the future is still in the future.]

Helmke: “Chicago can amend its gun laws to comply with this ruling while continuing to have strong, comprehensive and Constitutional gun laws, just as Washington D.C. has done. After the Heller decision, at least 240 legal challenges have been brought to existing gun laws, nearly all of which have been summarily dismissed. There is nothing in today’s decision that should prevent any state or local government from successfully defending, maintaining, or passing, sensible, strong gun laws.”

[Except outright bans, of course, which was the question before the court.]

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence is a national non-profit organization working to reduce gun violence in America through education, research and legal advocacy.

[Really? How does a political advocacy group like Brady maintain its non-profit status? We’d love to see that litigated.]


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