NRA Asks Florida Sheriff
Candidates Pointed Questions


( — The NRA’s Florida lobbyist, Marion Hammer, sent a survey on behalf of the NRA and the United Sportsmen of Florida, whom she also represents, to sheriff candidates around the state for the first time ever earlier this month. The questions involve important issues such as the state’s Stand Your Ground law and the sheriffs’ opposition to an “open carry” bill.

Sample Questions:

  • In 2005, the Florida Legislature codified common law into statutory law and passed “Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground” legislation to protect the rights of victims. Now, anti-gun agitators, who oppose self-defense, are working to destroy the freedom and rights of innocent victims in favor of protecting criminals.

    Do you agree that no victim of crime should be required to surrender his life, health, safety, personal dignity, autonomy, or property to a criminal, nor should a victim be required to retreat in the face of attack from any place he or she has a right to be?

    a. ___ Yes, I believe the “Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground” is appropriate and victims have a right to fight back without a duty to retreat.
    b. ___ No, I oppose the “Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground” and believe victims should surrender to criminals or retreat to avoid fighting back.

  • It is a growing practice of some sheriffs and their deputies to travel to Tallahassee during legislative session to lobby against Second Amendment issues and the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Some even make those trips using official vehicles, while officially on duty and lobby in their official uniforms.

    A. Do you believe it is appropriate for a sheriff to lobby or use deputies and/or their deputies to lobby against the Second Amendment rights of the law-abiding citizens they are sworn to serve?

    a. ___ No, I would not do it and I would not allow it.
    b. ___ Yes, I think it’s appropriate.

    B. Do you believe it is appropriate for a sheriff or any of his deputies or employees to lobby on issues against the constitutional rights of law-abiding firearms owners , in the name of the Sheriff, Sheriffs department or any Organization or Association in any official law enforcement capacity.

    a. ___ No, I would not allow it. Our duty is to respect and serve our community and uphold the law and the Constitution.
    b. ___Yes, I would allow it if it makes things more convenient for law enforcement.

  • Read more here.


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