NY Post: Ex-Marine rips
NY’s ‘illogical’ gun law


(GunReports.com) — A retired Marine who is facing criminal charges after unwittingly trying to check his Indiana-registered handgun at the Empire State building points out that gangsters get can their gun cases expunged and thugs can turn in illegal weapons for $200 — but a weapon that’s legally registered elsewhere can brand a citizen as a criminal for life.

A story in the New York Post said prosecutors have offered Ryan Jerome a no-jail misdemeanor plea deal instead of the mandatory 3 1/2 years behind bars he could have gotten under a strict interpretation of New York’s gun-possession laws, which make it illegal to carry any gun that isn’t specifically registered in this state.

In a letter filed with the Manhattan DA’s Office by his lawyer, Jerome asks that his charges should be dropped entirely.

See Jerome’s lawyer’s letter at www.NYPost.com, but don’t stay long.


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