Bernosky wins 10th NRA National High Power Rifle Championship


( — Carl Bernosky of Ashland, Pennsylvania, won the 2012 National Rifle Association High Power Rifle Championship held at Camp Perry, Ohio, August 5-10. His second consecutive win, this year marked Bernosky’s tenth National High Power title.

Bernosky took top honors and won the prestigious Mumma Trophy with a final score of 2391 points out of a potential 2400 and 141 tiebreaking Xs. Sergeant Sherri J. Gallagher of the United States Army Marksmanship Unit (USAMU) placed second with a 2390-131x and USAMU Staff Sergeant Brandon K. Green took third with a 2388-135x.

In addition to the High Power Championship, Bernosky’s 2391-141x won him the NRA Match Rifle Champion and Civilian Champion awards. Bernosky also took first place in the following matches: McCann Trophy (1199-82x); Marine Gunner D.I. Boyd II Memorial Trophy (1192-59x); Vandenburg Cup (797-47x); Clarke Trophy (796-47x); Erdman Trophy (593-24x); and the Scott Trophy (200-18x).

“With the Army stepping up and match gun shooters stepping up, it’s really making you have to shoot well,” Bernosky said. “Five or six years ago you could have a bad match and come back from it, but you can’t do that anymore. You have to be hard all the way through.”

SGT Sherri Gallagher, the 2010 NRA High Power Rifle Champion, won the Woman Champion award and placed first in the following: Nevada Trophy (798-51x); Air Force Cup (200-17x); Cavalry Cup (200-16x); Navy Cup (199-9x); Members Trophy (199-5x); and the Rochester National Defense Contingent (RNDC) Trophy Team Match with a team score of 1979-94x and an individual score of 497-25x.

A team of SSG Green and SGT Gallagher placed first in the NRA 2nd Amendment Team Match with scores of 493-27x and 496-21x respectively and a team score of 989-48x.

Staff Sergeant Tyrel L. Cooper of the USAMU won his third National Service Rifle Championship, receiving the DuPont Trophy with a score of 2377-105x.

The NRA High Power Rifle Championship is a 2400-point aggregate of the Vandenberg Cup, Nevada Trophy and Clarke Trophy. Each sub-aggregate consists of four matches shot at distances 200, 300 or 600 yards at Camp Perry, a National Guard training facility located on the shore of Lake Erie.

A summary of the awards for the NRA High Power Rifle Championships follows:

National Championship:

First Place: Carl R. Bernosky, Ashland, PA, 2391-141x

Second Place: Sergeant Sherri J. Gallagher, Englewood, CO, 2390-131x

Third Place: Staff Sergeant Brandon K. Green, Fort Benning, GA, 2388-135x

National Service Rifle Championship:

First Place: Staff Sergeant Tyrel Cooper, USA, Coulterville, CA, 2377-105x

Second Place: Staff Sergeant Leigh R. Jenks III, ANG, 2369-102x

Third Place: Sergeant Gus K. Dunfey, USA, 2369-100x

National Service Rifle Championship:

High Woman: Sara B. Rozanski, 2362-84x

High Senior: George Morgan, 2322-69x

High Grand Senior: Jimmy C. Hinton, 2245-47x

High Collegiate: James H. MacMillan, 2294-56x

High Overall Junior: Christopher L. Calumpong, 2346-86x

High Junior: Christopher L. Calumpong, 2346-86x

High Intermediate Junior: Joseph W. Hendricks, 2324-72x

High Sub-Junior: Jason Williams, 2305-53x

High Police: Master Sergeant Edward Altmeyer, ANG, 2302-55x

High Civilian: Sara B. Rozanski, 2362-84x

High Ohio Civilian Resident: Sara B. Rozanski, 2362-84x

High National Guard: Staff Sergeant Leigh R. Jenks III, ANG, 2369-102x

High Reserve: Captain Samuel K. Freeman, USAR, 2359-100x

High Army Reserve: Captain Samuel K. Freeman, USAR, 2359-100x

High Marine: Staff Sergeant Eric Swearingen, USMCR, 2359-90x

High Regular Service: Staff Sergeant Tyrel Cooper, USA, Coulterville, CA, 2377-105x

National Match Rifle Championship:

First Place: Carl R. Bernosky, Ashland, PA, 2391-141x

Second Place: Sergeant Sherri J. Gallagher, Englewood, CO, 2390-131x

Third Place: Staff Sergeant Brandon K. Green, Fort Benning, GA, 2388-135x

National Match Rifle Championship:

High Woman: Sergeant Sherri J. Gallagher, Englewood, CO, 2390-131x

High Senior: Robert W. Ward, 2367-99x

High Grand Senior: Charles A. Roubal, 2278-56x

High Collegiate: William Patrick G. McCraw, 2301-50x

High Overall Junior: Waylon R. Burbach, 2353-75x

High Intermediate Junior: Waylon R. Burbach, 2353-75x

High Police: Harry D. Harrison, 2341-78x

High Service: Sergeant Sherri J. Gallagher, Englewood, CO, 2390-131x

National Match Rifle Championship:

Winner Anysight/Tactical Rifle: David Tubb, 2387-145x

Second Anysight/Tactical Rifle: Douglas L. Morrison, 2355-68x

Third Anysight/Tactical Rifle: William R. Dooley, 2321-88x

Fourth Anysight/Tactical Rifle: David J. Vinkler, 2297-59x


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