Did You Know There’s a Suppressor for Your… Shotgun?


Did you know there is a suppressor available for your… 12-gauge shotgun?

Suppressor manufacturer SilencerCo makes a commercially available shotgun silencer called the Salvo 12.

It’s a modular design that allows the shooter to add or remove sections to balance length, weight, and sound-suppression needs. It arrives as a 12-inch suppressor, but can be reduced to 10-, 8-, and 6-inch configurations as needed. But is there an installed base of shotgun hunters and shooters that has been waiting for a product like this?

SilencerCo’s sales angle is to protect the hearing of shotgun owners just as the record-breaking proliferation of rifle and handgun suppressors do for those users.

The Salvo 12 is made for 12-gauge shotguns, and at its full 12-gauge length, measures 12.19 inches and weighs 32 ounces, according to company specifications. It is 2.21 inches wide and is 2.96 inches tall.

More important, sound levels at the shooter’s ear is 132.0 dB for the 12-inch configuration, 134.1 dB for the 10-inch configuration, and 137.0 dB and 140.6 dB for the 8-inch and 6-inch set-ups, respectively.

To see how it sounds in the field, check out the videos below.

Is a shotgun suppressor something you would use while bird hunting or for self-defense? Let us hear your thoughts in the comments section below.


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