Bob Costas Sucker-Punches Sunday Night Football Fans With Gun Control Lecture


( — John Hayward, writing on the blog, said this week, “It never takes long for gun-control fanatics to exploit tragedy for their political ends. NBC’s Bob Costas put on a particularly disgusting and unacceptable display on Sunday night, as he hijacked a football broadcast to sucker-punch fans with a gun-control sermon following the horrible Jovan Belcher murder-suicide. The Kansas City Chiefs linebacker, 25, murdered his 22-year-old girlfriend Kasandra Perkins at home in front of his mother, jumped into his car, drove to the stadium, and shot himself in front of his head coach and general manager.”

Hayward continued, “There’s so much pure stupidity packed into that rant that it helps to have a head injury to understand it. But let’s start there: according to the New York Daily News, Belcher allegedly did have a head injury, and had grown addicted to booze and painkillers because of it. (It should be noted that other sources dispute that Belcher ever suffered from significant head trauma, although a certain degree of general pain from football injuries could easily lead to painkiller addiction.)

Instead of listening to Bob Costas fulminate about Constitutional rights he doesn’t think we should have, shouldn’t he be talking about banning professional football?”

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