CBS links Belcher murder-suicide to a lack of gun control inside the NFL


( — Jim Axelrod filed a one-sided report on Tuesday’s CBS This Morning linking the Jovan Belcher murder-suicide to a lack of gun control inside the NFL. Axelrod sourced the piece with only gun-control advocates – Brady Center flack Marcellus Wiley, NBC’s Bob Costas, and New York Times sportswriter William Rhoden.

According to a Media Research Center summary, Rhoden blamed the widespread availability of guns in the U.S. for sportsmen getting involved in violent incidents: “Why do athletes love guns? Well, the reality is that this is a gun culture. Lots of people – and lots of people with money – own guns.”

Anchor Charlie Rose pointed out in his introduction to Axelrod’s report that “there are no official numbers, but some players and coaches say 50 to 90 percent of NFL players own guns. Jim Axelrod looks at why athletes and firearms go together so often.”

This is the second time in less than a week that CBS This Morning has promoted gun control, according to MRC. On Friday, the morning show spotlighted liberal comedian Stephen Colbert making fun of a proposed gun-friendly dormitory at the University of Colorado.

Click here to read the full transcript of Jim Axelrod’s report from Tuesday’s CBS This Morning:


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