Connecticut Mass Shooting List of Deceased, Sources FMI


( — Last week, a gunman shot and killed 20 children and six adults in Newtown, Connecticut. The Connecticut State Police have released the names and dates of birth for 26 people who died on Friday, Dec. 14, 2012, during and after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Please use the comment thread below to remember the deceased and to express support for their families. Following is a list of the deceased, including names and dates of birth, supplied by state police. If police update this information, those updates will be reflected here.

Below the list of the deceased immediately below, the staffs of and Gun Tests magazine have compiled links to stories reflecting different aspects of the story, including political reactions to the tragedy. Our preference as people and as professionals would have been to simply remember the deceased and allow the families to grieve before beginning the battle over the role of guns in this situation. Shamefully, anti-gun politicians and commenters are politicizing these tragic deaths by calling for gun regulations and confiscations in wake of the event. Please help us broaden the source list and suggest meaningful actions gunowners can take by including additional items and links in the comments field. — Todd Woodard, Editor, Gun Tests


Charlotte Bacon, Feb. 22, 2006

Daniel Barden, Sept. 25, 2005

Rachel Davino, July 17, 1983

Olivia Engel, July 18, 2006

Josephine Gay, Dec. 11, 2005

Ana M. Marquez-Greene, April 4, 2006

Dylan Hockley, March 8, 2006

Dawn Hochsprung, June 28, 1965

Madeleine F. Hsu, July 10, 2006

Catherine V. Hubbard, June 8, 2006

Chase Kowalski, Oct. 31, 2005

Jesse Lewis, June 30, 2006

James Mattioli, March 22, 2006

Grace McDonnell, Nov. 4, 2005

Anne Marie Murphy, July 25, 1960

Emilie Parker, May 12, 2006

Jack Pinto, May 6, 2006

Noah Pozner, Nov. 20, 2006

Caroline Previdi, Sept. 7, 2006

Jessica Rekos, May 10, 2006

Avielle Richman, Oct. 17, 2006

Lauren Rousseau, June of 1982

Mary Sherlach, Feb. 11, 1956

Victoria Soto, Nov. 4, 1985

Benjamin Wheeler, Sept. 12, 2006

Allison N. Wyatt, July 3, 2006

United Way Extends Our Most Sincere Condolences and Prayers to all Those Families Affected by the Devastating Events in Newtown/Sandy Hook

Primary News Sources

Hartford Courant Newspaper Twitter Feed

Instagram Funeral Tree Scene

US school’s nurse Sally Cox ‘saw shooter’s feet’

President Obama pledges action to prevent more mass shootings

Mother shared her gun obsession with school shooter Adam Lanza

Family, friends remember the brave, caring legacy of Sandy Hook teacher Vicki Soto, 27

Federal Agents Group Blasts Senator

Gun Control and Gun Confiscation Commentary

In Town at Ease With Its Firearms, Tightening Gun Rules Was Resisted

The Emerging Morality on Guns, by Artur Davis

On Gun Control and the Sandy Hook Shooting

A Thought Experiment Related to School Shootings

Why Not Regulate Guns Like Cars?

What if 1 of the teachers had a gun?

Rep. Gohmert: I Wish To God The Principal Would Have Had An M4 In Her Office Locked Up

The Clackamas Mall Shooting and Civilian Defense Against Mass Shooters

JPFO: Sandy Hook “letters to the editor”

Insider: Lott Nearly Passed Gun Control In Post-Columbine Panic

Ted Nugent: ‘Criminal Monsters’ Will Not Be Deterred By Gun Free Zone Laws

Democratic lawmaker: To get gun control, Obama must ‘exploit’ shooting

Petition: Immediately address the issue of gun control through the introduction of legislation in Congress

Mental Health Commentary

The Anarchist Soccer Mom, public statement on the need for a respectful national conversation on mental health.

Recently Defeated Connecticut Mental Health Bill May Have Stopped Friday’s Shooter

School shootings open new debate between guns and mental health drugs

Media’s Responsibility in Mass Killings

Newtown shootings: US media reaction

Progressive Policies Are to Blame for the Mass Shooting in Sandy Hook

Gun Facts and Figures

Newtown shootings: US guns in numbers

Do Civilians Armed With Guns Ever Capture, Kill, or Otherwise Stop Mass Shooters?

No rise in mass killings, but their impact is huge

Clackamas mall shooter faced man with concealed weapon

Gun Crime Soars in England Where Guns Are Banned

Other Angles

Libor scandal grows as the fathers of two mass murderers were to testify

Two movies, two mass murders


Reader Comments

Hi guys. You know me as ‘david b’, but the tricks I had to go to in order to get my account activated again prevented me using that name. I still get the old posts updated with spam, but I had to get ‘tricksy’ in order to get on the mail list again. Anyway, regarding Newtown:

We should all take this opportunity to start pressing for a nation where every teacher is REQUIRED to carry on school property, and provided a sidearm and training at board of education expense. Every time this happens, anywhere in the nation, we need to shout our solution louder than the NY Liberals scream their hysteria.

We’re told they ‘protect’ our kids when we’re not there – so why not REQUIRE GENUINE protection? I suggest sidearms for teachers and administrators, and carbines on a rack in the Principal’s office. Let’s put some real protection into our demands.

That would end school shootings pretty quickly – as none of these shooters have been insane enough to ‘go off’ where they might be the ones to get shot – they all pick ‘no gun zones’. Teachers who don’t want to carry personally could lock them in lockers when they leave the school, but should be required to carry and train as part of their teaching contracts. This might even be a change that could be made on a state-by-state basis.

I also believe we should teach shooting skills in high schools – to every student. Once they pass their gun classes (rifle and pistol) they could never touch a gun again if they choose that path – but at least that way if their families were threatened someday and they could get to a gun, they would be able to ‘change their minds’ and would know how to use it when they did.

Comment by: CT dave | December 17, 2012

Utah and Oregon allow teachers and staff to carry weapons in their scools ever hear of shootings in those two states? In the 70’s, Isreali schools were plagued by terrorist attacks, the Isrealis trained and armed their teachers and school staff throughout the country, how many attacks on schools do you hear about in Isrel? There is an ancient proverb that goes like this; “Mercy toward EVIL, is cruelty to the innocent”. Only a liberal would think you can “rehabilitate” evil. There have been many shootings in this country that have proven them totally wrong, that just goes to show that true liberals can’t be rehabilitated.

Comment by: Vernon R | December 17, 2012

Welcome back CT Dave! As I have posted before, during my 22 years of tenure as a middle school educator, and as campus director of security, I always maintained the capability to repel an attack on our campus. This was done with knowledge of administration, and only a few other faculty and staff members were aware. Fortunately I was never called upon to exercise my capabilities, but we were prepared to defend.

Now, years later, as many of my colleagues, former students, and their parents have learned of my degree of preparedness, they have universally expressed gratitude and relief to know that we had, in fact, taken those measures to protect the children.

Comment by: canovack | December 19, 2012

Thanks Colonel. It’s good to be back – I missed my discussions with all of you.

My son-in-law sent me this link below which I want to share. I think it’s an excellent argument for training and arming teachers, but also citizens. Who among us would hesitate to draw our weapon and go INTO a situation like Newtown to save the lives of children?

Comment by: CT dave | December 19, 2012

My wife and I pray for the families of this travisty. My hope are that just maybe this bring out the need for our teachers and princables need training and the ability to protect our children and grandkids against these types of people.Myself, being Ex-Army understand the need to protect ones self and those around us, and by doing so I try to teach the young and the sweet ladies how to shoot and be safe in doing so and how to be safe at home and other places so they can defend themselves, but also injoy shooting and hunting, since I do not charge for this, my reward has always been knowing that I may have helped save ones life and those of others and it may help them pass classes for ccw,s etc. Welcome back CT Dave. Merry Christmas to you and to you Colonel and to your families as well and to ALL. God Bless America and Our Troops Past Present and Future. Keeping to My Oath Locked Loaded and Keeping My Powder Dry. Get the USS out of the UN and the UN Out of the US.

Comment by: bear1 | December 20, 2012

Thanks Bear1. And a Merry Christmas to you and Mama Bear as well.

Comment by: CT dave | December 20, 2012


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