Top Republican Dissatisfied with Sotomayor’s Answers On Second Amendment


WASHINGTON, D.C. — CNSNews has reported that Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) isn’t satisfied with Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s answers to questions about the Second Amendment, particularly her ruling that the right to bear arms does not apply to the states.

This leaves unresolved the depth of her understanding of the Second Amendment, as well as a 2008 Supreme Court case, District of Columbia v. Heller, which ruled that individual Americans have the right to keep and bear arms, said Sessions.

When asked whether he was satisfied with Sotomayor’s answers about the Second Amendment, Sessions said: “Not really. I think that remains a huge issue.

“The reason that it is really important is that post-Heller, after the Heller decision, she rendered an opinion,” said Sessions, ranking member of the Judiciary Committee. “She’ll soon be on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court alone can reverse that opinion.”

To read the rest of the story, click here.

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