Fear about guns seems greatest among those who know the least about them. Children face greater dangers from common household items than from guns. In 2004, the overwhelming number of children under 10 who died-more than 1,400 children-were killed by cars. More than 90 drowned in bathtubs. Perspective: In 2003, 28 children under 10 died from accidental gunshot wounds.… Weird product news of the day: Savage Sports Corporation has

purchased the Eugene, Oregon-based BowTech company. Other Savage subsidiaries: Savage Arms (centerfire rifles), Savage Range Systems/PortaTarget (shooting ranges), Stevens (budget firearms), and Fox (high-end shotguns). Savage is the largest rifle manufacturer in the U.S.… A federal judge in Tulsa has blocked an Oklahoma law allowing employees to keep guns in their locked cars on company property. U.S. District Judge Terence Kern issued a permanent injunction against the law that was passed in 2004.… Outers new cleaning kits compile handgun and long-gun elements into a bundled firearms-care package. Example: The Universal Aluminum Gun Care Case, $35, contains 32 pieces. The Wood Gun Maintenance Chest, $100, contains 65 pieces. Included are aluminum or wood box kits or wood chests.… Fiocchis new .45 Auto XTPHP 230-grain round uses a Hornady XTPTM 230-grain bullet on nickel-plated brass. Velocity: 900 fps. Energy: 355 foot-pounds.… The Los Angeles Sheriffs Department has approved the Beretta 90 Two pistol as an optional-use pistol for its personnel. The department has carried the Beretta 92FS since 1988.… Thompson/Center Arms (owned by Smith & Wesson) has begun shipping the Icon rifle, the companys first bolt-action centerfire rifle. Chamberings: .22-250, .243, .308, and .30 TC.… Beretta PX4 Storm pistols shot 10,000 rounds with no defects during a specialized ballistic test conducted on behalf of the German State Police. The Italian Banco di Prova, an Italian proof house that oversees and certifies testing for firearms, did the actual testing on three guns.… Bushmaster Firearms is selling Limited Edition 100th Anniversary Camp Perry National Match DCM-XR Series Rifles. From the proceeds of each Anniversary Rifle sold, Bushmaster is donating $100 to the Civilian Marksmanship Programs Junior Highpower Support Program.… Exeter, New Hampshire-based Sigarms has changed its corporate name to Sig Sauer. The company formerly known as Sigarms is the largest member of a worldwide business group of firearms manufacturers that includes J.P. Sauer & Sohn and Blaser, Gmbh. in Germany and Swiss Arms AG in Switzerland.… Winchester collectors need to look for the just-released Book of the Winchester Models 70 & 94, a 138-page all-color magazine about those guns. Eye candy: Custom Model 70s and Doug Turnbull-restored Model 94s.… Winners at the 2007 International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) National Championship held September 27-30 at the Guthsville Rod & Gun Club in Allentown, Pennsylvania, include: Custom Defense Pistol, David Olhasso; Enhanced Service Pistol, Donnie Burton; Stock Service Pistol, Bob Vogel; Enhanced Service Revolver, Jerry Miculek; Stock Service Revolver, Curt Nichols. GT